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Greenfoot back
RJ13579 wrote ...


Candy smasher: quadratics

RJ13579 RJ13579


Hi, I have a problem with this code and I really don't know how to create the quadratics properly. Can anyone help me with this?
bourne bourne


Where is the code?
RJ13579 RJ13579


public void act() { // Add your action code here. Northpole world = (Northpole) getWorld(); setLocation(getX()+rightspeed,getY()-gravity); gravity -= 1; if (getX() > world.getWidth() - threshold) { //getWorld().removeObject(this); getImage().setTransparency(0); } if (getY() > world.getHeight() - threshold) { getImage().setTransparency(0); } } }
RJ13579 RJ13579


I cant get it to come in contact with my hammer. it is meant to touch the candy and the candy is meant to disappear.
RJ13579 RJ13579


Here is the hammer code : public void act() { checkMouse(); } public void checkMouse() { MouseInfo mouse = Greenfoot.getMouseInfo(); if(mouse!=null){ int button = mouse.getButton(); if(button == 1) { int mouseX=mouse.getX(); int mouseY=mouse.getY(); setLocation(mouseX, mouseY); } } }
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