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Greenfoot back
ewc0707 wrote ...


Bullets start in the middle of thw world instead of where the actor is.

ewc0707 ewc0707


When i fire at the enemy the bullets are added to the same spot every time. Also this location is in the middle of the world instead of where Steve is. I have a feeling this is because of my scrolling world but can't find a solution to the problem, any help would be great.
danpost danpost


Please name the Scrolling world you are using and show the method with the spawning code.
ewc0707 ewc0707


public void fire() { Bullet bullet = new Bullet(rotate); Sworld sworld = (Sworld) getWorld(); getWorld().addObject (bullet, getX(), getY()); bullet.move(); reloadDelayCount = 0; }
danpost danpost


Replace 'getWorld()' in the 'addObject' line with 'sworld'.
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