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Greenfoot back
penorzilla wrote ...


Need help with spawning a bullet at a certain area on an object.

penorzilla penorzilla


    public void shoot()
        MouseInfo mouse = Greenfoot.getMouseInfo();
        if(mouse != null)
            if(shootdelay >= 20)
                Bullet b = new Bullet();
                getWorld().addObject(b, getX(), getY()); //Adds bullet at the Players X and Y.
                b.turnTowards(mouse.getX(), mouse.getY()); //Turns the bullet towards the mouse.
                shootdelay = 0; //Resets the shootdelay back to 0.
This is my code for shooting. It spawns out of the middle of my character, but I want it to spawn out of the gun on the character. Issue is, the character constantly rotates in the direction of the mouse. I was wondering if anyone knew some sort of calculation or trick to make the bullet spawn at the gun on him. You can download my project here.
danpost danpost


Just insert 'b.move(getImage().getWidth()/2);' after the 'turnTowards' statement.
penorzilla penorzilla


danpost wrote...
Just insert 'b.move(getImage().getWidth()/2);' after the 'turnTowards' statement.
Thanks for your help, that only move the bullet to the edge of the player, but I figured out how to offset it over to the gun. I ended up with:
     * Shoots a bullet from the Player in the direction of the mouse.
    public void shoot()
        MouseInfo mouse = Greenfoot.getMouseInfo();
        if(mouse != null)
            if(shootdelay >= 20)
                Bullet b = new Bullet();
                getWorld().addObject(b, getX(), getY()); //Adds bullet at the Players X and Y.
                b.turnTowards(mouse.getX(), mouse.getY()); //Turns the bullet towards the mouse.
                b.move(getImage().getWidth() / 2); //Moves the bullet to the edge of the player.
                b.setRotation(getRotation() - 90); //Turns the rotation of the bullet to offset it.
                b.move(21); //Moves the bullet over to the gun.
                b.turnTowards(mouse.getX(), mouse.getY()); //Turns the bullet towards the mouse, again.
                shootdelay = 0; //Resets the shootdelay back to 0.
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