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shahzadee86 wrote ...


downloads idea

shahzadee86 shahzadee86


Hello there. I am new to greenfoot and finding it much easier with the visual stimuli than BlueJ (which I have also recently been introduced to). I have worked through some of the 'The joy of code' youtube videos and I think they are great. Now I apologise if I have missed it anywhere, but I thought it may be a great idea to have these and similar 'tutorial packages' available for download for people who don't have constant access to the internet or maybe have a bad connection or simply want to learn on the go. What I'm suggesting is to have several tutorial videos and the supporting files lumped together into easily downloadable packages, rather than having to search out the files yourself that are relevant to the tutorial you are watching. I know it would be a mission to cover everything but I think some kind of 'basic' and 'intermediate' packages would be very useful. What do you think and/or are there any similar plans?
Ms.hitchcock Ms.hitchcock


Hi We're in the same boat. I just learned a little Java using Bluej and lucky for me I found "The Joy of Code" videos on youtube. The videos help me to understand Java better. I'm still viewing them and I'm only on video #3. The graphical aspect is also attractive. In answer to your question there is video capture software that you can find on the internet and then use it on the videos you find on the web. I wish you luck, I'm not much help. :-Donna
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