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Biri3010 wrote ...


make a Highscore list

Biri3010 Biri3010


Hey guys i want to make small games and now i try to make a game like doodleJump but i dont know how i can make a higscorelist and i dont know how i can count the height when the object jumps. i think someone asked this long time again but i didnt found something... i think u can help me .....thanks allot
danpost danpost


Import the ScoreBoard class and create one actor object instance of it. The easiest way to 'score' for a game like that is to count the passing cycles (put a counter variable in the world class and have it increment in the act method). Use a factor of its value to determine the score (like every 100 cycles scores so many points). As an alternative, you could use real time; although, the coding is not as simplistic. As a third option, you could count the number of platforms that pass below the bottom of the window as the standard for scoring. I personally think the first option is more of a consistant scoring system and certainly the easiest to code.
12gatenbyr 12gatenbyr


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