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Greenfoot back
jackthorn wrote ...


no wombat on menu

jackthorn jackthorn


i just installed java sdk and greenfoot, according to the textbook, and opened leaves-and-wombats scenario. following the book, the first thing it said to do was to right-click on wombat class and select new Wombat(); however, that option is not on the menu. the menu options are: open editor, set image, remove, new subclass. how do i get that other menu option to appear? thanks for any help.
danpost danpost


Double-click on the Wombat class (open editor) and copy/paste the entire class code here using the 'code' tag below the reply window.
danpost danpost


You may just need to click on the 'Compile' button at the lower-right hand corner of the Greenfoot application window. Anytime you see your classes with stripes through them, they are not yet compiled.
jackthorn jackthorn


thank you very much! i set it up at work, on lunch, and didn't really have time to mess around with it; so, i thought it best to just ask, since i am at the start. i appreciate your input. it just needed compiled. cheers!
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