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tmnsquirtles wrote ...


Regenerating worms

tmnsquirtles tmnsquirtles


For my computer programming class I am required to alter the little crab scenario to make it so when a worm is eaten, a new one appears at a random location and I do not know how I would do that. Any advice?
bourne bourne


When a worm is "eaten", just "teleport" it to new location
danpost danpost


If the assignment says that a 'new one appears at a random location', then I would not suggest just "teleporting" it. In fact, if the Animal class is being used as a superclass for the crab, then calling 'eat' would remove the worm without getting a reference to it. You probably have this so far:
if (canSee(Worm.class))
The 'if' block (between '{' and '}') is where (or when) the worm is eaten. Add a statement (or a combination of statements) within this block of code to add a new worm into the world at a random location. Looking at the emphasized words, you should be able to figure out what methods you would need. First, you are in an Actor subclass and need a world object to add the object into. After getting the world object, you need to create a new worm object and get random x and y coordinates for adding it into the world at. Finally, have that world object add that new worm object at those random coordinates.
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