I have some trouble, making the ball bounce, when it hit any of the four walls. its a School project so i have to use the true/false part.
I simply cant figure out whats wrong :( please help.
my code:
import greenfoot.*; public class Ball extends Actor { private Vector Vel; public Ball(int xVel, int yVel) { Vel = new Vector(xVel, yVel); } public void act() { handleWallCollision(); move(); } public void move() { int x = getX() + Vel.getX(); int y = getY() + Vel.getY(); setLocation(x, y); } public boolean hitTopWall() { if(getY()+getImage().getHeight()/2 <= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean hitBottomWall() { if(getY()-getImage().getHeight()/2 <= getWorld().getHeight()-1) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean hitLeftWall() { if(getX()-getImage().getHeight()/2 <= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean hitRightWall() { if(getX()+getImage().getHeight()/2 <= getWorld().getWidth()-1) { return true; } else { return false; } } public void handleWallCollision(){ if (hitTopWall()){ Vel.horizontalFlip(); } else if (hitBottomWall()){ Vel.horizontalFlip(); } else if (hitLeftWall()){ Vel.verticalFlip(); } else if (hitRightWall()){ Vel.verticalFlip(); } } }