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Greenfoot back
wabuilderman wrote ...


help with optimizing code

Sorry for later response. You don't to reinvent the wheel, you can mix the two values of light of day/night cycle light, and torches together, along with light being modified by how deep the dirt is.
wabuilderman wabuilderman


ok... problem... i made this cool code that i am call form each block type, but it slows down the game a ton:
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.awt.Color;

 * Write a description of class Block here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Block extends Actor
    int blockSize = ((PlayerWorld) getWorld()).blockSize;
    public GreenfootImage lightMap = new GreenfootImage(blockSize, blockSize);
    public Color trans = new Color(0,0,0,0);
    GreenfootImage originalImg = new GreenfootImage(blockSize, blockSize);
    GreenfootImage grass = new GreenfootImage("grass.png");
    GreenfootImage dirt = new GreenfootImage("dirt.png");
    public Block()
       lightMap.setColor(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0,darkness));
       lightMap.fillRect(0, 0, blockSize, blockSize);
       // in Block constructor  
       baseImg = getImage();  

     * Act - do whatever the Block wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() 
    public void trimEdge(Block obj)
        if (obj.getClass() == grass.class)
        else if (obj.getClass() == Dirt.class)
        if(obj.getOneObjectAtOffset(blockSize, 0, Block.class) == null)
        if(obj.getOneObjectAtOffset(-blockSize, 0, Block.class) == null)
        if(obj.getOneObjectAtOffset(0, -blockSize, Block.class) == null)
        if(obj.getOneObjectAtOffset(0, blockSize, Block.class) == null)
    public GreenfootImage trimTop(GreenfootImage img)
        img.setColorAt(0, 0, trans);
        img.setColorAt(7, 0, trans);
        img.setColorAt(8, 0, trans);
        img.setColorAt(9, 0, trans);
        return img;
    public GreenfootImage trimBottom(GreenfootImage img)
        img.setColorAt(0, 9, trans);
        img.setColorAt(7, 9, trans);
        img.setColorAt(8, 9, trans);
        img.setColorAt(9, 9, trans);
        return img;
    public GreenfootImage trimLeft(GreenfootImage img)
        img.setColorAt(0, 0, trans);
        img.setColorAt(0, 7, trans);
        img.setColorAt(0, 8, trans);
        img.setColorAt(0, 9, trans);
        return img;
    public GreenfootImage trimRight(GreenfootImage img)
        img.setColorAt(9, 0, trans);
        img.setColorAt(9, 7, trans);
        img.setColorAt(9, 8, trans);
        img.setColorAt(9, 9, trans);
        return img;
    public void inheirt(Block obj)
        GreenfootImage image = obj.getImage();
        //setLight(obj, 200);
    // in Block class  
    // with instance fields  
    int darkness, lightness, tint;  
    GreenfootImage baseImg;  
    // the setLight method (renamed)  
    private void updateImage()  
        if (Math.abs(tint-(255-lightness)*darkness/255) < 8) return;  
        tint = (255-lightness)*darkness/255;  
        GreenfootImage image = new GreenfootImage(baseImg);  
        GreenfootImage tintImg = new GreenfootImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());  
        tintImg.fill(); // default color for new image is black  
        image.drawImage(tintImg, 0 ,0);  
    // with these methods  
    public void setDarkness(int dark)  
        if (dark < 0) dark = 0;  
        if (dark > 255) dark = 255;  
        darkness = dark;  
    public void setLightness(int light)  
        if  (light < 0) light = 0;  
        if (light > 255) light = 255;  
        lightness = light;  
any ideas? PS: the segment that is being called is the method "trimEdge(Block obj)"
danpost danpost


danpost wrote...
Try limiting the range of darkness and lightness to between 0 and 100 and use the following for the value of tint: tint = 255-255*((100-darkness)+lightness)/200;
This was a change I made in one of the other discussion threads. change '(255-lightness)*darkness/255' in lines 123 and 124 with the expression on the right side of the 'tint' equation and change the limits on lightness and darkness to between 0 and 100.
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