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Greenfoot back
RedCreeper wrote ...


Single Player Pong

RedCreeper RedCreeper


I get this error after selecting single player.
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to greenfoot.Actor
	at Paddle.act(
	at greenfoot.core.Simulation.actActor(
	at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runOneLoop(
	at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runContent(
The code that i have now is
if(Table.singlePlayer == true && returnPlayer() == 2) {
            if (!getWorld().getObjects(Ball.class).isEmpty())
                // is ball in world  
                if (!getWorld().getObjects(Ball.class).isEmpty())  
                    // get reference to ball  
                    Actor ball = (Actor)getWorld().getObjects(Ball.class);  
                    // is ball on the half of the playfield this paddle is on  
                    if (Math.abs(ball.getX()-getX()) < 335)  
                        // get vertical direction to move (dy = { -1, 0, 1 })  
                        int dy = (int)Math.signum((ball.getY()-getY())/3);  
                        // make move in direction determined (or remain in place)  
                        setLocation(getX(), getY()+5*dy);  
danpost danpost


In line 8, you declare the field 'ball' to hold an Actor object; yet, you are assigning a List object to it.
RedCreeper RedCreeper


What would It be to fix it, nbtw that line is from the code u gave me earlier
danpost danpost


Sorry, my bad! Did not finish it.
Actor ball = (Actor)getWorld().getObjects(Ball.class).get(0);
RedCreeper RedCreeper


Thank you danpost. I have noticed that when the computer launches the ball the computer's paddle moves randomly what would the best way to fix this be
danpost danpost


I believe, but not certain, that this code in the Paddle class (starting around line 59) is causing the movement you are talking about:
if(Table.singlePlayer == true && returnPlayer() == 2 && gotBall()) {
    int y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(500);
    if(y < 100) {
        y = y + Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(200);
    else if(y > 400) {
        y = y - Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(200);
    setLocation(getX(), y);
RedCreeper RedCreeper


Also the ball can get stuck on the top and bottom of the paddle and then blounce in a random direction. Is there a way to stop the ball from getting stuck
RedCreeper RedCreeper


What would make it so that the computer will choose a random location and then release the ball
danpost danpost


RedCreeper wrote...
What would make it so that the computer will choose a random location and then release the ball
Something like this might work:
if (computer's paddle and has ball) // pseudo-code
  int y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getWorld().getHeight()-200)+100;
  while (getY() != y)
    setLocation(getX(), getY()+(int)Math.signum(y-getY()));
danpost danpost


You will probably need a double conditional to determine bouncing off a paddle. In the Ball class:
if (!getOneIntersectingObect(Paddle.class).isEmpty())
    if ((deltaX < 0 && getX() < 350) || (deltaX > 0 && getX() > 350) deltaX = -deltaX;
This says that if the ball is touching a paddle then if the ball is moving left and on the left side of the playfield, or if the ball is moving right and on the right side of the playfield, then bounce off the paddle. Once 'deltaX' is changed the condition cannot be true again until the ball makes it to the other side of the playfield.
RedCreeper RedCreeper


Thank You danpost
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