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Greenfoot back
rabbids4ever wrote ...


Help mee please !!!!!

rabbids4ever rabbids4ever


Hey, thanks for taking the time to look at this, I am hoping you could help, because I have only joined this site since yesterday, as my hopes and dreams for the future is to be a computer programmer so I best start now!! The only problem is I don't know how to make a scenario, I have tried saving the crab world zip file to my laptop, and open it as a powerpoint, anyone know whats the best to open it as, I cannot seem to open because when I go back on it to try and reopen it with a different thing it wont let me, it just says its a powerpoint, and I have tried even deleting it all! but it still doesn't work, please help!! thanks J ;)
SPower SPower


So, you want to export your project to a .jar file and open it in powerpoint? That seems very weird. Exporting your greenfoot scenario to a .jar is very easy, just click the share button in the top right corner, select application and export it. And why would you want to open it in powerpoint?
rabbids4ever rabbids4ever


Thanks for replying. Well, I tried it and tried it, but I don't really know im new to this system, ok so what do I open it in, but when I open it says that it cannot find anything, but I still cant stop opening it in powerpoint J :)
SPower SPower


By default the JVM (java virtual machine) opens it, so try that: it should work.
rabbids4ever rabbids4ever


Ok I've done that but I still cannot actually open the programme I cannot get the sandy background, do I need to download something, sorry for being a pain ... J :)
danpost danpost


You need to go to the Download page and download a version of Greenfoot. It is the Greenfoot application that, after installing, will open up the scenarios for you.
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