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doughauf wrote ...


.JAR file in Java

doughauf doughauf


I download the Greenfoot .JAR file and am trying to find out whether you can do all of the coding on the Eclipse Java side or if you have to use Greenfoot. What would the .JAR file be used for?
davmac davmac


If you mean the "pure Java" version of Greenfoot from the download page, it's an installer, not a usable library.
doughauf doughauf


Yes, this is what I meant. There was a JAR file that was downloaded, and I added that to a project through build path. This is how to add JAR files to a project such a LOG4J which is used a log class. Do all GREENfoot projects have to be created in GREENfoot or could a person build an enter project in Eclipse with the correct JAR file. Doug Hauf
davmac davmac


If you install Greenfoot you will find various jar files in the installation. At least the main one, greenfoot.jar, will be necessary for building scenarios externally. You will not easily be able to run your scenarios from outside Greenfoot. That's about as much information as I can give you, as building scenarios outside of Greenfoot isn't something we really support. Someone else may be able to offer help.
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