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grace_lowton wrote ...


ending a game?

grace_lowton grace_lowton


once my character has been 'eaten' by a randomly floating enemy i want the game to end on a sort of game over screen, how can i do this? thankyou in advance
You can make a GameOver world that will display a message (You can either draw it in a different program than load it, or use the GreenfootImage methods to draw it) or you can spawn an actor that displays the message for you.
grace_lowton grace_lowton


okay, ill do that, and how do i make it appear?
You just have a method that would change worlds or make it. Then you call it when something happens (like run out of health, or it's eaten)
//Changing worlds
public void gameOver()
    Greenfoot.setWorld(new GameOverWorld());

//New actor by another actor specify x and y
public void gameOver()
    getWorld().addObject(new GameOverActor(),x,y);

//New actor from a world, specify x and y
public void gameOver()
grace_lowton grace_lowton


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