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redbikesam1002 wrote ...


Help: Orbs colliding with themselves

redbikesam1002 redbikesam1002


Having trouble working out a code for an Orb and its collision detection with another Orb . I have created collision detection for a paddle and the walls but not another Orb. When I think I have it the Orbs just seem to vibrate in place. All help is appreciated. Below is the code for my Orb class. import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Gold flying Orb * * @author William Jones * @version 2.7413 */ public class Orb extends Actor { private Velocity vel; private Velocity newVel; private int xSpeed; private int ySpeed; private int exactX; private int exactY; private GreenfootImage getImage; private Orb collider; private Orb getIntersectingOrb; private int reverseY; /** * Creates the constructor for Orb */ public Orb(int xSpeed, int ySpeed) { vel= new Velocity(xSpeed, ySpeed); this.vel = vel; getImage = new GreenfootImage("gold-ball.png"); } /** * Act - do whatever the Orb wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { move(); turnIfNeeded(); handleOrbCollision(); removeAtTopandBottom(); handlePaddleCollision(); } /** * Enables the Orb to bounce off all walls */ public void turnIfNeeded() { turnAtRightWall(); turnAtLeftWall(); } /** * Add orb * */ public void addedToWorld(World world) { exactX = getX(); exactY = getY(); } /** * makes Orb bounce off right wall */ public void turnAtRightWall() { if (getX() + getImage().getWidth()/2 >= getWorld().getWidth()) { vel.reverseX(); } } /** * removes Orb from World */ public void removeAtTopandBottom() { if (getY() + getImage().getHeight()/2 >= getWorld().getHeight()) { World world = getWorld(); world.removeObject(this); } else if (getY() - getImage().getHeight()/2 <= 0) { World world = getWorld(); world.removeObject(this); } } /** * makes Orb bounce off left Wall */ public void turnAtLeftWall() { if (getX() - getImage().getWidth()/2 <= 0) { vel.reverseX(); } } public void move() { exactX = exactX + vel.getXSpeed(); exactY = exactY + vel.getYSpeed(); super.setLocation( (int) exactX, (int) exactY); } /** * Return velocity object associated with Orb */ public Velocity getVelocity() { return vel; } public int getXSpeed() { return xSpeed; } public int getYSpeed() { return ySpeed; } public void setVelocity(Velocity newvel) { vel = newvel; } public void reverseY() { xSpeed = -xSpeed; ySpeed = -ySpeed; } /** * Checks to see it Orb is striking another Orb */ private void getIntersectingOrb() { Actor orb = getOneIntersectingObject(Orb.class); if (orb != null) { vel.reverseY(); } } public void handleOrbCollision() { collider = getIntersectingOrb; if (collider == getIntersectingOrb) { vel.reverseY(); } else if(collider == getIntersectingOrb) { vel.reverseX(); } } private void handlePaddleCollision() { Actor paddle = getOneIntersectingObject(Paddle.class); if (paddle != null) { vel.reverseY(); } } }
This happens because the orbs go "inside" each other, and your method constantly tells both orbs to turn around, but they're still inside each other, causing the method to be called again, and again. You could solve this by making them move away until they aren't touching (using a while loop) or you can try using getOneObjectAtOffset(int dx, int dy, Class cls), a method that finds an object to the sides, above, or below the actor. To see the documentation, go here .
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