So I've this game with 3 different bonus, which one has his Points. So far I can make the score apper at the top of my game but when the actor intersect with the Object he doesn't count the points....
public class Rolo extends Actor
private GreenfootImage image1;
private GreenfootImage image2;
private boolean molhado = false;
private int velocidade;
private int contadorCharco;
private boolean spaceKeyDown = false;
private int xPos = 20;
private int yPos = 117;
private boolean podeSaltar = true;
private int yRestringeDistSalto;
private GreenfootSound saltoSound = new GreenfootSound("salto.WAV");
private int pontos;
public Rolo () {
image1 = new GreenfootImage ("rolo.png");
image2 = new GreenfootImage ("roloTriste.png");
public void touchBonus(){
Bonus bonusganho = (Bonus)getOneIntersectingObject(Bonus.class);
if(bonusganho !=null){
pontos=pontos + bonusganho.getPontuacao();
public void touchStar()
Actor touchStar = getOneIntersectingObject(Star.class);
if(touchStar !=null)