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Busch2207 wrote ...


Actor and World class source codes

Busch2207 Busch2207


Hi guys! Is there any posibility, to read the source code of the Actor and the World class. The source code(!) NOT the documentation!
davmac davmac


Not from within Greenfoot. If you're desperate you could download the Greenfoot source code which of course has the source for Actor and World, but my question is: why do you want to see their source?
Busch2207 Busch2207


I'm interested in the interplay of these two clases and I'd like to see, how they interact together. And I would like to see how to create a world for the objects, where they can interact together. Thank you very much for your answer! I have found the source codes.
temakaba temakaba


HI guys; Is there a way for me to get access to greenfoot source code of the GUI, i wana make some few changes there for the interface.
Duta Duta


temakaba temakaba


@ Duta I have that code but i cannit find the coding for GUI to be able to change de way the interface looks. n Thanx 4 ur reply
temakaba temakaba


i have the code for v 2.1.2 it has 2 folders inside it bluej n greenfoot
nccb nccb


The main Greenfoot window is in the greenfoot.gui.GreenfootFrame class if you want to take a look, but in general trying to modify the interface is not a good idea (and is not something we support). This is because you'll probably find it hard going to modify the Greenfoot interface without breaking anything, it's something that will only affect your own copy of Greenfoot, and it would be hard to keep any changes you make in sync with future Greenfoot versions.
Chronaeon Chronaeon


Would it be possible to modify the export function to produce a standalone instead with the gui aspects desired?
mjrb4 mjrb4


As per what nccb said above - yes it'd be possible in theory, but unsupported and wouldn't work with future versions.
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