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GreenGoo wrote ...


Double to int

GreenGoo GreenGoo


I need to turn a double variable into an int variable and make sure it rounds correctly. So far I have been unable to do this and my scenario has not worked properly as a result. Can anyone help me?
Duckyroannubbles Duckyroannubbles


int b = (double) a;
Where a is your double. I am not 100% sure I have this right because I don't use it very often, but I'm like 90%.
davmac davmac


Correct version of the above would be:
int b = (int) a;
However, this rounds towards 0. GreenGoo, what do you mean by "rounds correctly"?
Duckyroannubbles Duckyroannubbles


Quite right, sorry.
GreenGoo GreenGoo


Here is my code: double number = Math.atan((missileX - playerX)/(playerY - missileY)); int niceNumber = (int)Math.round(number); The double comes to 69.44395478, which should be rounded to 69. If it were 69, my code would work, but it does not, so I am assuming that my method of rounding creates a problem.
GreenGoo GreenGoo


Your method : double number = Math.atan((missileX - playerX)/(playerY - missileY)); int niceNumber = (int) number;
GreenGoo GreenGoo


Does not work either. My missile still goes round in a circle.
danpost danpost


Try changing
double number = Math.atan((missileX - playerX)/(playerY - missileY));
// to
double number = Math.atan2(missileY - playerY, missileX - playerX);
GreenGoo GreenGoo


It says 'method atan2 in class java.lang.Math cannot be applied to give types; required: double,double; found:int; reason:actual and formal arguement lists differ in length'
danpost danpost


Yeah, it takes double values. Change line 3 to:
double number = Math.atan2((double)(missileY-playerY), (double)(missileX-playerX));
to turn number into degrees (instead of radians):
double number = Math.atan2((double)(missileY-playerY), (double)(missileX-playerX))*180.0/Math.PI;
davmac davmac


to turn number into degrees (instead of radians):
Use Math.toDegrees()!! :)
GreenGoo GreenGoo


Well, I have no compile errors, but I still have my original problem- my missile does not home in accurately. I have tried using both methods of rounding.
davmac davmac


It seems to me that you just assumed rounding was the problem without any reason. If you're trying to get the missile to go towards the player, you should probably have:
double number = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2((double)(playerY-missileY), (double)(playerX-missileX)));
I.e. subtract the missile coordinates from the target coordinates, not the other way around. However, even if that's wrong, it doesn't explain why your missile goes in a circle. Perhaps you need to post more of your code.
GreenGoo GreenGoo


There are 8 different cases to program, depending on whether the x and y co-ordinates of both the missile and the player are equal, smaller, or greater than one another. This one only applies if the missile has a greater X but a smaller Y than the player. if (exploded == false && genericDelay < 0){ Actor player = (Actor) getWorld().getObjects(Player.class).get(0); int missileX = this.getX(); int missileY = this.getY(); int playerX = player.getX(); int playerY = player.getY(); double number = Math.atan(missileX - playerX / playerY - missileY); int niceNumber = (int)Math.round(number) ; if (missileX > playerX && missileY < playerY && this.getRotation() != (180 - (90 - 69))) { turn(3); } }
GreenGoo GreenGoo


I have managed to solve the problem! The atan() was not happy about using integers instead of doubles. Then I made a host of other changes. Here is my current code: if (exploded == false && genericDelay < 0){ Actor player = (Actor) getWorld().getObjects(Player.class).get(0); double missileX = (double) this.getX(); double missileY = (double) this.getY(); double playerX = (double) player.getX(); double playerY = (double) player.getY(); double number = (missileX - playerX) / (playerY - missileY); double tanNumber = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(number)); int niceNumber = (int)Math.round(tanNumber); if (missileX > playerX && missileY < playerY ) { int currentRotation = this.getRotation(); int diff = (90 + niceNumber) - currentRotation; int turn; if (diff > 0 )
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