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AwesomeNameGuy wrote ...


I can't comple scenarios that use Midi

AwesomeNameGuy AwesomeNameGuy


I tried to write a scenario that uses Midi, but when I tried to compile it, my computer crashed. I then found the scenario Midi Piano, it works fine from this site, but when I opened it in Greenfoot my computer crashed again when I tried to compile. The midi class in that scenario compiles fine, but when I tried to compile the whole thing I was toast and had to restart. Anyone else tried to use Midi and have problems, or know what might be going on here? Link to the Midi Piano demo:
davmac davmac


There was someone recently who had problems with midi due to an out-of-data Java installation. Make sure you have a recent Java JDK installed (Java 6 version 1.6.0 update 26, or Java 7). Assuming you're on Windos, Run the "select VM" utility that comes with Greenfoot to make sure you're using the right Java version.
AwesomeNameGuy AwesomeNameGuy


Thanks, it works fine now, although now I get these Compiler Warnings now when I try to complie them. I had a recent version of Java (1.6_23) but now I have version 7. A little while ago you asked to see the code of one of my scenarios, did you ever get around to looking at it? Just curious really. Anyway, thanks a lot!
davmac davmac


That was the Texas Hold 'em poker game? Yes, I had a quick look, it's quite a large project and I guess you put quite a bit of work into it? I wanted to see if I could prevent the computer from folding when it should check but that turned out to be difficult.
AwesomeNameGuy AwesomeNameGuy


Yeah, I didn't think it would end up so large, but it just kept getting bigger. I put a lot of effort into it because I wanted to try to increase my skill, with the ultimate goal of getting a job writing code somewhere, that would be pretty cool. I know the code in that isn't very readable, fixing that bug wouldn't be that difficult because I know how the program works, (it would be really hard if I didn't) but finishing the AI just feelt daunting so I decided to take a little break and do other things for a little while.
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