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Greenfoot back
raaeeth wrote ...


How to spawn actor somewhere else.

raaeeth raaeeth


After my actor hit another actor, it ends the game (thats what I want). Now what I would like to happen is that after I click the reset button, my actor teleports back to the original spawn. I have the button and everything to reset, except the code for the actor to make him go back as well. How can I make an actor teleport with the push of a button?
danpost danpost


raaeeth wrote...
After my actor hit another actor, it ends the game (thats what I want). Now what I would like to happen is that after I click the reset button, my actor teleports back to the original spawn. I have the button and everything to reset, except the code for the actor to make him go back as well. How can I make an actor teleport with the push of a button?
You should be able to just start a new world (which should be equivalent to a reset). Something like this:
if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(btnReset)) Greenfoot.setWorld(new MyWorld());
(where btnReset is a reference to your reset button Actor instance).
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