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Matetity wrote ...


need help with moving up and down

Matetity Matetity


My character needs to move up and down and needs to turn when it hits a wall. But it does some weird stuff when it hits the wall, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong? Here's the code i've done.
public void act() {
      setLocation(getX(), getY() - 2);
      if (isTouching(wallT.class)) { 
        turn (180);
        setLocation(getX(), getY() + 2);
danpost danpost


Matetity wrote...
My character needs to move up and down and needs to turn when it hits a wall. But it does some weird stuff when it hits the wall, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong? Here's the code i've done. << Code Omitted >>
You, for one thing, are having it turn around and then move backwards which is in the same moving direction as before. Wall penetration is inevitable. Change the "+" in line 6 to a "-".
Matetity Matetity


danpost wrote...
Matetity wrote...
My character needs to move up and down and needs to turn when it hits a wall. But it does some weird stuff when it hits the wall, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong? Here's the code i've done. << Code Omitted >>
You, for one thing, are having it turn around and then move backwards which is in the same moving direction as before. Wall penetration is inevitable. Change the "+" in line 6 to a "-".
Right, I already thought it was that, but now it does the same thing as before but it goes thru the wall. I'm very confused on what I did wrong....
Matetity Matetity


To be more clear it hits the wall and then just start turning uncontrolably. I've tried a bunch of different code but it just isn't working, any ideas on why??
Matetity Matetity


This is the whole code of my character:
public class Rocket2 extends Actor
     * Act - do whatever the Rocket2 wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() {
      public void move(){
      if (isTouching(Wallie.class)) { 
        turn (180);
        setLocation(getX(), getY() - 2);
          setLocation(getX(), getY() - 2);
    public Rocket2()
        GreenfootImage image = getImage();
        image.scale(image.getWidth() - 30, image.getHeight() - 60);
    public void die()
danpost danpost


Matetity wrote...
To be more clear it hits the wall and then just start turning uncontrolably. I've tried a bunch of different code but it just isn't working, any ideas on why??
I should have noticed it before. The turn and move methods go together; the setLocation method does not work well with turn. Here, you will need an int direction field (unless your image is rotated to move right to begin with (at 0 rotation). Try:
    private int direction = -1;
    private void move() {
        setLocation(getX(), getY()+2*direction);
        if (isTouching(Wallie.class)) {
            direction = -direction;
            setLocation(getX(), getY()+2*direction);
You could also do it without the int direction field. Like this:
private void move) {
    if (isTouching(Wallie.class)) {
Just takes some extra turning.
Matetity Matetity


Yes, that worked. Thank you so much!!!
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