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Owie2712! wrote ...


how do i create a button that does one thing when clicked once then another when clicked again

Owie2712! Owie2712!


i have no code for this yet as im not sure where to start but i want to code a button so when its clicked once it opens another actor but then when it is clicked again and that actor is still present the actor is removed (like a open close button for a hidden menu)
Owie2712! Owie2712!


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class companyList here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class companyList extends Actor
    public boolean Open; 
    public void act()
        Open = false; 
        ownList ownList = new ownList();
        companyname companyname = new companyname();
        if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this))
            if(Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this) && (!Open)){
                getWorld().addObject(ownList, 300,430);
                Open = true;
             if(Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this) && (Open)){
                Open = false;
this is the code i have now and it opens the thing that i want it to open it just doesnt close it again
Spock47 Spock47


Your implementation idea is correct. There are just some minor mixups: 1. Currently, line 14 sets the boolean "Open" to false in every act. Instead it should only initialize it (set the value ->once<-) with value false: change line 11 to "private boolean Open = false;" and remove line 14 ("open = false;") . 2. lines 15 and 16 create new objects for ownList and companyname in every act. Again, these need to be defined only once - otherwise the object removed in line 25 will not be the same object that was added in a previous run of act in line 20 (rendering the remove statement effectless): Move lines 15 and 16 to line 11 (outside of the method) and prefix them with "private" each, e.g. "private ownList ownList = new ownList();". Most likely, this will already do the trick. Please let us know whether it works or if still something is going wrong. One additional cleanup suggestion: 3. line 17 already checks for the mouse click, so you don't have to check it again in lines 19 and 24, simplify e.g. line 24 to "if (Open) {". Live long and prosper, Spock47
danpost danpost


Spock47 wrote...
Your implementation idea is correct. There are just some minor mixups: << List Omitted >>
Notes about the list: (1) The default value for boolean fields is false, so it is not required to add "= false" to line 11; (2) This may not be necessary if the objects created are equivalent each time. This will become apparent after moving on to (3) below; (3) The state of being "open" can be determined by a simple check, without the use of a boolean field. Note the code below:
import greenfoot.*;

public class companyList extends Actor
    private ownList ownList = new ownList();
    private companyname companyname = new companyname();
    public void act() {
        if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) {
            if (ownList.getWorld() == null) {
                getWorld().addObject(ownList, 300, 430);
                getWorld().addObject(companyname, 130, 215);
            else {
The alternative (if creating the object each time they are added (provided only one ownList object and one companyname object are in the world at any time):
import greenfoot.*;

public class companyList extends Actor
    pubic void act() {
        if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) {
            if (getWorld().getObjects(ownList.class).isEmpty()) {
                getWorld().addObject(new ownList(), 300, 430);
                getWorld().addObject(new companyname(), 130, 215);
            else {
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