Can someone explain why the class Rod is unable to add the object fishingBar into the World?
public class Rod extends Actor { private int pity = 0; private final int hard = 15; private final int soft = 8; private boolean isCast = false, pressSpace = false, caught = false; private String curType; private World curWorld = getWorld(); private int dL = 3, dE = 2, dR = 1, dC = 1; public void displayBar(){ Object sprite = curWorld.getObjects(cat.class); ((map)curWorld).addObject(new fishingBar(), 200, 200); Greenfoot.delay(5); } public void act() { // Add your action code here. if(isCast == false && pressSpace == false && Greenfoot.isKeyDown("c")){ pressSpace = true; displayBar(); Greenfoot.delay(5); } pressSpace = false; isCast = false; } }