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Mauckenweg wrote ...


World lagging while scrolling

Mauckenweg Mauckenweg


I tried to create a game in the style of Super Mario Bros, but everytime the world scrolles, the fps drop to 1 per second. I dont have any idea why tho.
Mauckenweg Mauckenweg


I based it on one of danposts scrolling worlds, but im not that good at coding ,so my code probably has some flaws which cause the problem
import greenfoot.*;

public class Waluigi extends Actor
    final int jSpeed = 10; // the initial 'jump' speed
    int ySpeed = 0, xSpeed = 0; // the initial vertical and horizontal speeds
    int richtung = 1;
    int animZaehler;
    boolean aboutFace; // the direction (left or right) the actor is facing
    boolean onGround; // the state of the actor being set on an object or not
    private GreenfootImage bildL, bildR, bildLs, bildRs, bild1L, bild2L, bild3L, bild4L, bild1R, bild2R, bild3R, bild4R;
    public Waluigi()
        bildL = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiL.png");
        bildR = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiR.png");
        bildLs = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiLS.png");
        bildRs = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiRS.png");
        bild1L = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiLL1.png");
        bild2L = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiLL2.png");
        bild3L = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiLL3.png");
        bild4L = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiLL4.png");
        bild1R = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiRL1.png");
        bild2R = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiRL2.png");
        bild3R = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiRL3.png");
        bild4R = new GreenfootImage("WaluigiRL4.png");
    public void act()
    private void move()
        ySpeed++; // adds gravity
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("D")&&!Greenfoot.isKeyDown("M"))move(4);
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("A")&&!Greenfoot.isKeyDown("M"))move(-4);
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("D")&&Greenfoot.isKeyDown("M"))move(8);
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("A")&&Greenfoot.isKeyDown("M"))move(-8);
        setLocation(getX(), getY()+ySpeed/2);
        // check for change in horizontal direction
        if (isTouching(ground1.class))onGround=true;
        if (!isTouching(ground1.class))onGround=false;
        while (getOneObjectAtOffset(0, getImage().getHeight()/3+1, Actor.class) != null)
            setLocation(getX(), getY()-1); 
            ySpeed = 0;
        // check above the actor
        while (getOneObjectAtOffset(0, -getImage().getHeight()/2-1, Actor.class) != null) 
            setLocation(getX(), getY()+1);
            ySpeed = 0;
        // check to right of actor
        while (getOneObjectAtOffset(getImage().getWidth()/3+1, 0, Actor.class) != null&&isTouching(ground2.class))
            setLocation(getX()-1, getY());
            xSpeed = 0;
        // check to left of actor
        while (getOneObjectAtOffset(-getImage().getWidth()/3-1, 0, Actor.class) != null&&isTouching(ground2.class))
            setLocation(getX()+1, getY());
            xSpeed = 0;
    public void richtung()
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("D"))richtung= 1;
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("A"))richtung= 2;
     * Determines any changes in horizontal and vertical speeds for the actor.
    private void getDirection()
        // if (!onGround) return; // if not mid-air changes allowed
        // sets requested direction of move, or continues in current direction
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("a") && xSpeed > -50) xSpeed -= 2; // check left
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("d") && xSpeed < 50) xSpeed += 2; // check right
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space") && onGround)ySpeed -= jSpeed; 
    public void animationen()
        if (!onGround)
            if (richtung==1)setImage(bildRs);
            if (richtung==2)setImage(bildLs);
        if (onGround)
         if (!Greenfoot.isKeyDown("A")&&!Greenfoot.isKeyDown("D"))
            if (richtung==1)setImage(bildR);
            if (richtung==2)setImage(bildL);
         if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("M"))
               if (animZaehler==1)
                   if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("A"))bildWechselnL();
                   if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("D"))bildWechselnR();
               if (animZaehler==3)
                   if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("A"))bildWechselnL();
                   if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("D"))bildWechselnR();
               if (animZaehler==4)animZaehler=0;
         if (!Greenfoot.isKeyDown("M"))
               if (animZaehler==1)
                   if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("A"))bildWechselnL();
                   if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("D"))bildWechselnR();
               if (animZaehler==6)
                   if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("A"))bildWechselnL();
                   if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("D"))bildWechselnR();
               if (animZaehler==10)animZaehler=0;
        if (animZaehler==21)animZaehler=1;   
    private void bildWechselnL()
        if (getImage() == bild1L)
    private void bildWechselnR()
        if (getImage() == bild1R)
    private void bildWechselnK()
        if (getImage() == bild1L)
Mauckenweg Mauckenweg


"bildWechseln" means changing image
danpost danpost


Mauckenweg wrote...
I based it on one of danposts scrolling worlds, but im not that good at coding ,so my code probably has some flaws which cause the problem
First, you do not say which of my scrolling engines you are trying to use. Then, you supply no code that remotely suggests you have a scrolling world at all. I hope you are using the Scroller class that my Scrolling Tutorial scenario refers to and my Scroller Class Demos scenario uses. Plus, if you check out the tutorial, my might find some reasons why lagging might occur.
Mauckenweg Mauckenweg


import greenfoot.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * SWorld is a super-class for a scrolling world (horizontal, vertical, or both).<br><br>
 * Author: danpost<br>Version: May 22, 2016 (v2.1)<br>
 * <br>
 * To implement this super-class:
 * <l><li>(1) create a sub-class of this class</li>
 * <li>(2) use a <i>super(....)</i> call to one of the constructors in this class</li>
 * <li>(3) create the main actor (one that always stays in view) and call the <i>setMainActor</i> method</li>
 * <br>
 * NOTE: if placing the main actor to a location where scrolling will end up taking place before moving it,
 * place a call the the 'act' method of this class at the end of the constructor of its subclass
 * using 'super.act();'<br><br>
 * <li>(4) (optional) set a scrolling background image using a call to <i>setScrollingBackground</i> or <i>fillScrollingBackground</i></li></l>
 * <br>
 * NOTE: the order of steps above is very important<br>
 * <br>
 * There are two methods to add other objects into the world:
 * <l><li>the standard method <i>addObject(Actor, int, int)</i> can be used to add a scrollable actor into the world</li>
 * <li>a secondary method <i>addObject(Actor, int, int, boolean)</i> which is equivalent to the standard method, except
 * that the boolean will indicate the scrollable state of the object.</li></l>
 * The width and height dimensions for both the world and the universe of scenarios with a cell size greater than one 
 * will be raised to the nearest odd values to center the main actor.<br>
 * <br>
 * SPECIAL NOTE: if you decide to override the 'act' method of this class with an 'act' method in your sub-world, you will
 * need to follow the format below to run the scrolling of the scenario:
 * <pre>        public void act()
 *        {
 *            // possibly some code here      
 *            super.act();
 *            // possibly some more code here
 *        }<pre>
public class SWorld extends World
    private int scrollingWidth, scrollingHeight; // dimensions of scrolling area
    private int actorMinX, actorMaxX, actorMinY, actorMaxY; // limits for main actor within world coordinates
    private int scrolledX, scrolledY; // horizontal and vertical scrolled amounts
    private int scrollType; // indicates scrolling directions (0=none, 1=horizontal, 2=vertical, 3=both)
    Actor mainActor = null; // the actor that always stays visible
    private List<Actor>genActors = new ArrayList(); // lists all generic scrolling actor objects
    private GreenfootImage background = null;
     * The constructor for a universal scroller.
     * Creates an unbounded world and sets the size of the scrollable area.
     * @param wide the window width
     * @param high the window height
     * @param cellSize the size of each cell
     * @param scrollWide the scrollable width (minimum value is window width)
     * @param scrollHigh the scrollable height (minimum value is window height)
    public SWorld(int wide, int high, int cellSize, int scrollWide, int scrollHigh)
        super(cellSize == 1 ? wide:(wide/2)*2+1, cellSize == 1 ? high : (high/2)*2+1, cellSize, false);
        scrollType = (scrollWide > wide ? 1 : 0)+(scrollHigh>high?2:0);
        scrollingWidth = scrollType%2 == 1 ? scrollWide : wide;
        scrollingHeight = scrollType/2 == 1 ? scrollHigh : high;
     * The constructor for a horizontal (side) scroller.
     * Calls the universal scroller constructor with scrollHigh equal to the window height parameter.
     * @param wide the window width
     * @param high the window height
     * @param cellSize the size of each cell
     * @param scrollWide the scrollable width (minimum value is window width)
    public SWorld(int wide, int high, int cellSize, int scrollWide)
        this(wide, high, cellSize, scrollWide, high);
     * Adds the main actor into the world at the center of the window and
     * sets the range in movement within the window for the actor,<br>
     * <br>
     * NOTE: this method must be called prior to calling <i>setScrollingBackground</i>
     * <br>
     * NOTE 2: if placing the main actor to a location where scrolling will end up taking place before moving it,
     * place a call the the 'act' method of this class at the end of the constructor of its subclass
     * using 'super.act()'.<br>
     * @param main the actor that is to always stay in view
     * @param xRange the horizontal range of movement within the window
     * @param yRange the vertical range of movement within the window
    public void setMainActor(Actor main, int xRange, int yRange)
        if (main == null)
            System.out.println("A main actor MUST be supplied.");
        super.addObject(main, getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2);
        mainActor = main;
        xRange = (int)Math.min(xRange, getWidth());
        yRange = (int)Math.min(yRange, getHeight());
        actorMinX = getWidth()/2-xRange/2;
        actorMaxX = getWidth()/2+xRange/2;
        actorMinY = getHeight()/2-yRange/2;
        actorMaxY = getHeight()/2+yRange/2;
     * Adds a scrolling background to the world; see method description for notes on unwanted results.<br>
     * <br>
     * NOTE: for this method to work, the main actor must have previously been set with <i>setMainActor</i>.  The image will then
     * be scaled to the appropriate size and is centered in the scrollable world.
     * @param scrollingBackground the image to be used for the scrolling background of the world
    public void setScrollingBackground(GreenfootImage scrollingBackground)    
            System.out.println("'setMainActor' MUST be called prior to calling 'setScrollingBackground'.");
        background = new GreenfootImage(scrollingBackground);
        background.scale(scrollingWidth*getCellSize(), scrollingHeight*getCellSize());
     * Fills the background of the scrolling area with the <i>fillImage</i>.<br>
     * <br>
     * NOTE: for this method to work, the main actor must have previously been set with <i>setMainActor</i>.  The image will then
     * be used to fill the background of the scrolling area and is centered in the scrollable world.
     * @param fillImage the image to fill the background of the scrolling area with
    public void fillScrollingBackground(GreenfootImage fillImage)
            System.out.println("'setMainActor' MUST be called prior to calling 'fillScrollingBackground'.");
        if (fillImage.getWidth() < getWidth() && fillImage.getHeight() < getHeight())
            setBackground(new GreenfootImage(fillImage));
            fillImage = getBackground();
        background = new GreenfootImage(scrollingWidth*getCellSize(), scrollingHeight*getCellSize());
        for (int x=0; x<background.getWidth(); x+=fillImage.getWidth())
            for (int y=0; y<background.getHeight(); y+=fillImage.getHeight())
                background.drawImage(fillImage, x, y);
     * Adds an object into the world, listing it in an the Actor array if it is a scrollable object
     * @param obj the object to add to the world
     * @param xLoc the x-coordinate to place the object
     * @param yLoc the y-coordinate to place the object
     * @param scroller a flag indicating whether this object is of scrollable type or not
    public void addObject(Actor obj, int xLoc, int yLoc, boolean scroller)
        super.addObject(obj, xLoc, yLoc);
        if (scroller) genActors.add(obj);
     * Adds a scrollable object into the world, listing them in the Actor array.
     * @param obj the scrollable object to add to the world
     * @param xLoc the x-coordinate to place the object
     * @param yLoc the y-coordinate to place the object
    public void addObject(Actor obj, int xLoc, int yLoc)
        addObject(obj, xLoc, yLoc, true);
     * Removes an object from the world, re-defining fields as neccessary
     * @param obj the object to be removed from the world
    public void removeObject(Actor obj)
        if (obj == null) return;
        if (obj.equals(mainActor)) mainActor = null;
        else genActors.remove(obj);
     * Removes a collection of objects from the world, calling <i>removeObject(Actor)</i> for each one in the list
     * @param objs the collection or list of objects to be removed from the world
    public void removeObjects(List<Actor>objs)
        for (Actor obj : objs) removeObject(obj);
     * Runs the scrolling.
    public void act()
     * Scrolls the background image.
    private void scrollBackground()
        if (background == null) return;
        int w = getWidth(), h = getHeight(), c = getCellSize();
        int bw = background.getWidth(), bh = background.getHeight();
        getBackground().drawImage(background, (w*c-bw)/2-scrolledX*c, (h*c-bh)/2-scrolledY*c);
     * Scrolls all scrollable object.  Determines how far outside boundary limits the main actor is, and moves all neccessary
     * objects in the same direction, moving the main actor back within boundary limits.  A background can be
     * made up of scrollable actor object(s) to produce a scrolling background; however, determining intersectors with object
     * will have to include the background object as being one or more of them when using <i>null</i> for the class of intersector.
    private void scrollObjects()
        if (mainActor==null) return;
        // determine how far the main actor is outside its standard window limits
        int dx=0, dy=0;
        if (mainActor.getX() < actorMinX) dx = actorMinX-mainActor.getX();
        if (mainActor.getX() > actorMaxX) dx = actorMaxX-mainActor.getX();
        if (mainActor.getY() < actorMinY) dy = actorMinY-mainActor.getY();
        if (mainActor.getY() > actorMaxY) dy = actorMaxY-mainActor.getY();
        if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return; // not outside window limits
        // ** outside standard window limits **
        int dxSum = dx, dySum = dy; // hold changes in scroll amount
        scrolledX -= dx; scrolledY -= dy;// track scroll amount
        // move main actor back within standard window limits
        mainActor.setLocation(mainActor.getX()+dx, mainActor.getY()+dy);
        // determine how far the background is inside the world limits
        dx=0; dy=0;
        if (scrolledX > scrollingWidth/2-getWidth()/2) dx = scrolledX-(scrollingWidth/2-getWidth()/2);
        if (scrolledX < getWidth()/2-scrollingWidth/2) dx = scrolledX-(getWidth()/2-scrollingWidth/2);
        if (scrolledY > scrollingHeight/2-getHeight()/2) dy = scrolledY-(scrollingHeight/2-getHeight()/2);
        if (scrolledY < getHeight()/2-scrollingHeight/2) dy = scrolledY-(getHeight()/2-scrollingHeight/2);
        // ** background does not completely cover world limits
        dxSum += dx; dySum += dy; // keep running sum of changes in scroll amount
        scrolledX -= dx; scrolledY -= dy; // adjust scroll amount
        // move all objects so background covers the world
        mainActor.setLocation(mainActor.getX()+dx, mainActor.getY()+dy);
        for (Object obj : genActors)
            Actor actor = (Actor)obj;
            actor.setLocation(actor.getX()+dxSum, actor.getY()+dySum);
        // determine how far main actor is outside universal limits
        dx = 0; dy = 0;
        if (mainActor.getX() < 0) dx = 0-mainActor.getX();
        if (mainActor.getX() > getWidth()-1) dx = (getWidth()-1)-mainActor.getX();
        if (mainActor.getY() < 0) dy = 0-mainActor.getY();
        if (mainActor.getY() > getHeight()-1) dy = (getHeight()-1)-mainActor.getY();
        if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return;
        // ** outside universal limits
        // move main actor back within world limits
        mainActor.setLocation(mainActor.getX()+dx, mainActor.getY()+dy);
     * Returns the horizonal offset from the left edge of the scrolling world to the
     * left edge of the world window
     * return the amount of scrollable background off the left edge of the world window
    public int getScrolledX()
        return scrolledX;
     * Returns the vertical offset from the top edge of the scrolling world to the
     * top edge of the world window
     * return the amount of scrollable background off the top edge of the world window
    public int getScrolledY()
        return scrolledY;
     * Returns the width of the scrolling area of the universe
     * @return the width of the visible scrolling area
    public int getScrollingWidth()
        return scrollingWidth;
     * Returns the height of the scrolling area of the universe
     * @return the height of the visible scrolling area
    public int getScrollingHeight()
        return scrollingHeight;
Mauckenweg Mauckenweg


I used this scenario as base danpost presents ... 2012/11/20 Scrolling SuperWorld An easy-to-use world superclass that implements scrolling actors and background. Fully documented with instruction and code. When using cell sizes greater than one, all dimensions (world and universal) are rounded up to next odd integer. jump: up arrow move: left and right arrows
danpost danpost


Mauckenweg wrote...
<< Code Omitted >> I used this scenario as base << Description Omitted >>
That was one of my first scrolling engines. I have created an engine that is more concise, less troublesome, less error-prone and easier to work with since then. Please refer to the aforementioned tutorial and scrolling engine it uses.
Mauckenweg Mauckenweg


ok ill try it
Mauckenweg Mauckenweg


i dont fully get how to implement the code of the Scroller class
Mauckenweg Mauckenweg


How do I need to change the world code to make it work?
danpost danpost


Mauckenweg wrote...
ok ill try it i dont fully get how to implement the code of the Scroller class How do I need to change the world code to make it work?
The tutorial has just about all the information you should need.
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