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Greenfoot back
envxity wrote ...


how to find nearest object.

envxity envxity


so dan with the auto fire it works but not as intendid so it does fire out but it fires out like 2-3 strands of bullets at the same time and i dont want that and it also didnt turn the player to face where it was shooting. so i figured that i would have to use the getobjects in range function but i cant figure out how to do it here is the code:
                 if(!getObjectsInRange(350, Zombie.class).isEmpty()){
                    int dist=350;
                    while(!getObjectsInRange(dist, Zombie.class).isEmpty()){
                    Actor target = (Zombie) getObjectsInRange(dist,Zombie.class).get(0);
                    Actor bullet = new bullet();
                    ((Game_Screen)getWorld()).addObject( bullet,((Game_Screen)getWorld()).getX(), ((Game_Screen)getWorld()).one.getY());
                    bullet.turnTowards(target.getX(), target.getY());
danpost danpost


envxity wrote...
so dan with the auto fire it works but not as intendid so it does fire out but it fires out like 2-3 strands of bullets at the same time and i dont want that and it also didnt turn the player to face where it was shooting. so i figured that i would have to use the getobjects in range function but i cant figure out how to do it here is the code: << Code Omitted >>
Try this:
if (ammo > 0) {
    if (getWorld().getObjects(Zombie.class).isEmpty()) return;
    Actor closest = null;
    int closeness = 9999;
    for (Object obj : getWorld().getObjects(Zombie.class)) {
        Actor enemy = (Actor)obj;
        int dist = (int)Math.hypot(getX()-enemy.getX(), getY()-enemy.getY());
        if (dist < closeness) {
            closeness = dist;
            closest = enemy;
    Actor bullet = new bullet();
    getWorld().addObject(bullet, getX(), getY());
    bullet.turnTowards(closest.getX(), closest.getY());
    pause = firerate;
The drawing of gunshot image on the image of this actor is not recommended. It should probably be its own actor that can remove itself after several act steps. If drawn on the image of the actor, the image of the actor would have to be restored at some point.
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