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SANELE wrote ...





can someone please explain to me Casting with examples.
danpost danpost


SANELE wrote...
can someone please explain to me Casting with examples.
Let's say you had in your MyWorld class a method that you wanted to call from an Actor subclass. Maybe your character dies and you want the world to show a game over screen, so you want to call the gameOver method:
/**  In Actor subclass  */
// case 1:  assigning the world to a field that holds a World object
World world = getWorld();
// "world.gameOver();" will not work as "world" is not cast as a MyWorld object, but
((MyWorld)world).gameOver(); // will work

// case 2: assigning the world to a field that holds a MyWorld object
MyWorld world = (MyWorld) getWorld();

// case 3: casting and calling the method in one statement
((MyWorld) getWorld()).gameOver();
Casting to any subclass of MyWorld will still access the method; however, casting only need be to the subclass of Object that contains the method (or field) that needs accessed.
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