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Greenfoot back
linvs1 wrote ...


Adding gravity to my program

linvs1 linvs1


Hi, i managed to let my character jump to a certain hight. But now i want him to get back down... how can i add some kind of Gravity? I already tried to use setLocation when the Player is not grounded (touching the object ground), but after adding that function he wouldn't jump at all : Method Grouded:
public boolean grounded()
            return true;
            return false; 
Method jump:
                    a = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    b = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    sprung = (int) b - (int) a; 
                    if(sprung > maxSprung)
                        sprung = maxSprung;
                    setLocation(getX(), getY() - sprung / 4);
(if you press longer you jump higher)
danpost danpost


linvs1 wrote...
i managed to let my character jump to a certain hight. But now i want him to get back down... how can i add some kind of Gravity? I already tried to use setLocation when the Player is not grounded (touching the object ground), but after adding that function he wouldn't jump at all : Method Grouded: << Code Omitted >> Method jump: << Code Omitted >> (if you press longer you jump higher)
Thoughts on given code are: (1) using real time to control jump speed is not recommended; (2) using a while loop in the jump code will pause all actors not controlled from within that loop until the condition for the loop fails; (3) using setImage(String) multiple times per act and every act is not good programming, due to the fact that the file must be read from a file directory each time this method is called; You may want to look at my Jump and Run Demo w/Moving Platform scenario to view its codes for such a function.
linvs1 linvs1


Thanks for your reply!! I am using Greenfoot in school and my teacher said i should do it like this...
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