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84mu3lC3p4C7 wrote ...


Adding gun to a player

84mu3lC3p4C7 84mu3lC3p4C7


Hey, I am not sure if I can explain my problem properly, but I will try my best. So I have 2 actors named Weapon and Player, my Player actor works as I want to: moves by WSAD and rotates towards my mouse. And now the Weapon actor: rotates towards mouse and follows Player coordinates, but I want it to have little offset from the Player, so it looks like the Player is holding it in right hand, but when I rotate the Player, the offset makes it look weird. I am really sorry, that I can´t explain it more proffesionally, hope you understand me, if anything is unclear, just ask me, I really appreciate your help. THX :D Player code:
public class Player extends Actor
    static int mouseDirection;
    static int playerX;
    static int playerY;

    public void act()
        playerX = getX();
        playerY = getY();
        MouseInfo mouseposition = Greenfoot.getMouseInfo();
        if (mouseposition != null) {
          turnTowards(mouseposition.getX(), mouseposition.getY());
          Player.mouseDirection = getRotation();
        if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("w")) {
            setLocation(getX(),getY() - 2);
        if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("s")) {
            setLocation(getX(),getY() + 2);
        if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("a")) {
            setLocation(getX() - 2,getY());
        if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("d")) {
            setLocation(getX() + 2,getY());
        if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space") & MyWorld.bulletSpawn > 20) {
            MyWorld.bulletSpawn = 0;
            getWorld().addObject(new Bullet(), getX(), getY());
Weapon code:
public class Weapon extends Actor

    public void act()
        setLocation(Player.playerX + 15, Player.playerY + 10);
Jestry Jestry


Are the images both the Weapon and Player facing in the same direction naturally (without a rotate)?
danpost danpost


84mu3lC3p4C7 wrote...
I have 2 actors named Weapon and Player, my Player actor works as I want to: moves by WSAD and rotates towards my mouse. And now the Weapon actor: rotates towards mouse and follows Player coordinates, but I want it to have little offset from the Player, so it looks like the Player is holding it in right hand, but when I rotate the Player, the offset makes it look weird. << Code Omitted >>
Do not put movement/rotation code in the Weapon class. It is the player that holds/controls the position/rotation of the weapon. So, have that code in the Player class. Remove static from the fields in the Player class. Add a field to contain the Weapon object being held by the player. so the weapon can be easily controlled.
84mu3lC3p4C7 84mu3lC3p4C7


Jestry wrote...
Are the images both the Weapon and Player facing in the same direction naturally (without a rotate)?
Yes, they both are facing to the right (0°).
84mu3lC3p4C7 84mu3lC3p4C7


danpost wrote...
Add a field to contain the Weapon object being held by the player. so the weapon can be easily controlled.
That´s the problem, I´am not sure how to do that, if there is any function that glues it to the Player? I´ve tried to draw my own image of gun and leave there a blank place, where the player would be, because the "setLocation(playerX, playerY);" in Weapon class centers it to Player, but then other problems came: hitbox was too big and spawning the bullets didn´t wark as I wanted to. This is how I want it to look while facing any direction (not just the 0°), with both objects being ratated to mouse: This is how I don´t want it to look like:
84mu3lC3p4C7 84mu3lC3p4C7


I wasn´t able to post messages, sorry I wasn´t responding. I got little bit closer to what I want by looking at this: How to rotate an object orbiting another object without making the object rotate, so thank you danpost.
public class Weapon extends Actor
    private int distance;
    private int centerX, centerY;
    private int angle;

    public void act()
        distance = 10;
        centerX = Player.playerX;
        centerY = Player.playerY;
        angle = Player.mouseDirection;
        setLocation(centerX, centerY);
        angle = getRotation();
There is only one small detail missing and that is that I want the Weapon to be just a bit to the right, not just directly in front of the Player. Edit: Now I have what I wanted:
public void act()
        setLocation(Player.playerX, Player.playerY);
It just makes the Weapon a bit laggy, any solution for this?
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