I want to make a profile page with some details and user image at the top. I don't know why the image is not showing.
This is the code
The whole class is in my Bomb deactivation scenario, the FirstScreen Class (check inside checkClicks method).
In the app, it shows the name of the player as the image, so it works in the app.
private Board myInfoBoard = new Board(); GreenfootImage img = myInfoBoard.getImage(); if (UserInfo.isStorageAvailable()) { UserInfo myInfo = UserInfo.getMyInfo(); int deactivations = myInfo.getInt(2); int explosions = myInfo.getInt(3); int plays = myInfo.getInt(1); int aborts = plays - (deactivations + explosions); int bestTime = myInfo.getInt(4); img.drawString(""+ deactivations + "x\n" + explosions + "x\n" + plays + "x\n" + aborts + "x\n" + bestTime + "s\n" + myInfo.getInt(5) + "s", img.getWidth()/2 - img.getWidth()/6, 210); img.drawString("Name:\n" + myInfo.getUserName(), 5, 110); img.setFont(new Font(20)); img.drawString("Lucky Trials: " + myInfo.getInt(7) + "x", 5, 70); img.setFont(new Font(25)); GreenfootImage myImg = myInfo.getUserImage(); myImg.scale(100, 100); img.drawImage(myImg, 168, 3); } addObject(myInfoBoard, getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2);