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jdkdoen05 wrote ...


NEW Scrolling World

jdkdoen05 jdkdoen05


import greenfoot.*;

 * CLASS: Scroll (subclass of World)<br>
 * DESCRIPTION: a support superclass for an infinite scrolling world;
 * capable of horizontal, vertical or universal scrolling;
 * scrolls either independent of any actor or by following an actor;
 * scrolls background with or without actor relocations;
 * capable of scrolling actors without scrolling the background image;
 * capable of limited scrolling as access to field values are provided
 * through getter methods;<br>
 * <br>
 * The only limitation, which may be dealt with in a later update, is that
 * the scrolling background image is obtained from the world background
 * set at the time the direction of scrolling is set -- however, this would
 * complicate the code with more fields, checks and controls;
public class Scroll extends World
    private GreenfootImage bg; // the scrolling background image
    private int scrollDirX, scrollDirY; // the scrolling directions along both axes
    private int scrollSpeed; // the scrolling speed
    private int scrollX, scrollY; // the current scrolled offset values
    /** basic World constructor call */
    public Scroll(int w, int h, int c) { super(w, h, c); }
    /** basic World constructor call (2) */
    public Scroll(int w, int h, int c, boolean b) { super(w, h, c, b); }
    /** sets the direction for future scrolling (left, right, up, or down);
     * the current world background image will be used for scrolling;
     * @param dir the rotational angle for movement divided by 90 */
    public void setDirection(int dir)
        // determine scrolling directions along both axes
        dir = dir%4;
        scrollDirX = (1-dir)*((dir+1)%2);
        scrollDirY = (2-dir)*(dir%2);
        // initialize fields for background image scrolling
        bg = new GreenfootImage(getBackground());
        scrollX = 0;
        scrollY = 0;
     * scrolls the background image using current field values
    public void scrollBackground()
        // set new scroll offsets
        scrollX = (scrollX-scrollDirX*scrollSpeed+getWidth())%getWidth();
        scrollY = (scrollY-scrollDirY*scrollSpeed+getHeight())%getHeight();
        // draw scrolling image onto background image
    /** scrolls all movable actors using current field values;<br><br>
     * NOTE: this method is for use in projects using the QActor class by danpost;
     * if not using that class, remove this method and un-comment the other
     * 'scrollActors' method */
    public void scrollActors()
        // scroll actors in world
        for (Object obj : getObjects(null))
            // see if actor is of QActor type
            if (obj instanceof QActor)
                // scroll QActor object
                QActor actor = (QActor)obj;
                // scroll non-QActor object
                Actor actor = (Actor)obj;
    /** scrolls all movable actors using current field values;<br><br>
     * NOTE: this method is for use in projects not using the QActor class by danpost;
     * if not using that class, remove the other 'scrollActors' method and un-comment
     * this one */
    //     public void scrollActors()
    //     {
    //         // scroll actors in world
    //         Actor actor = (Actor)obj;
    //         actor.setLocation
    //         (
    //             actor.getX()-scrollDirX*scrollSpeed,
    //             actor.getY()-scrollDirY*scrollSpeed
    //         );
    //     }
    /** scrolls the background and all movable actors using current field values */
    public void scrollAll()
        // scroll background image
        // scroll actors in world
    /** scrolls the background and all movable actors using current field values so that
     * the given actor is scrolled to the location coordinates given;
     * @param actor the actor whose location is to be adjusted
     * @param x the coordinate along the x-axis at which the actor is to be placed
     * @param y the coordinate along the y-axis at which the actor is to be placed */
    public void setActorAt(Actor actor, int x, int y)
        // ensure actor is in world
        if (actor.getWorld() != this) return;
        // scroll all horizontally getting actor to its new x-coordinate location
        // scroll all vertically getting actor to its new y-coodinate location
    /** returns the scrolling direction along the x-axis
     * ('1' for right, '0' for none and '-1' for left)
     * @return direction of horizontal scrolling */
    public int getDirectionX() { return scrollDirX; }
    /** returns the scrolling direction along the y-axis
     * ('1' for down, '0' for none and '-1' for up)
     * @return direction of vertical scrolling */
    public int getDirectionY() { return scrollDirY; }
    /** returns the current scrolled amount along the x-axis
     * @return current distance horizontally scrolled */
    public int getScrollX() { return scrollX; }
    /** returns the current scrolled amount along the y-axis
     * @return current distance vertically scrolled */
    public int getScrollY() { return scrollY; }
    /** returns the current value set for the speed of scrolling
     * @return the current scrolling speed */
    public int getScrollSpeed() { return scrollSpeed; }
    /** sets the value for the speed of future scrolling to the given value
     * @param speed the value to set the speed of scrolling to */
    public void setScrollSpeed(int speed) { scrollSpeed = speed; }
Hello, I have a question about scrolling speed. Can I increase the speed so that the world scrolls faster?
danpost danpost


For the above class: See methods at lines 154 and 157. To up speed by one:, use:
or set it to any value (here, 3):
However, I suggest you use the Scroller class linked to the demo and support class scenario discussed in your previous discussion. It is, in itself, a complete, re-usable support class that can be used for every type of camera movement. Also, it requires no modifications to your Actor subclass codes (even if actor is the one the camera follows).
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