this is the zombie boss code for being hit by a bullet:
and this is the world fucntion for the zombie boss life system:
it doesn't remove the zombie boss at all and i dont know why. can someone help find the problem, thanks.
public void hit() { Actor Bullet = getOneIntersectingObject(Bullet.class); if(Bullet != null) { waveZWorld waveWorld = (waveZWorld)getWorld(); waveWorld.ZombieBossLife(); waveWorld.removeObject(Bullet); waveWorld.increaseScore(); } }
private int zombieBossLives = 3; ZombieBoss zombieBoss; public void ZombieBossLife() { zombieBossLives = zombieBossLives - 1; if(zombieBossLives <= 0) { removeObject(zombieBoss); } }