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Greenfoot back
Rety wrote ...


How can I flip the image of an actor when it turns 180 degrees?

Rety Rety


How can I flip the image of an actor when it turns 180 degrees without it getting flipped non stopped?
danpost danpost


Rety wrote...
How can I flip the image of an actor when it turns 180 degrees without it getting flipped non stopped?
By keeping a copy of both images. Kept in an image array:
private GreenfootImage[] images = new GreenfootImage[2];
and assigning their images in the constructor of the class:
public << ClassName >>()
    images[0] = getImage();
    images[1] = new GreenfootImage(images[0]);
this line at end of act method:
should do the trick.
Rety Rety


It works! Thank you.
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