Plz tell me why it's lagging on website???
Which all lines am i supposed to remove/modify??
import greenfoot.*; public class Fortune extends Actor { byte turn1=105;//red enforcer byte turn2=96;//cyan health kit byte turn3=104;//blue shield byte turn4=102;//orange potion byte turn5=101;//purple bonus point byte turn6=99;//green jack pot byte mod=0; short s[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; int rand; Shop chances=new Shop(" COST: 10 \n SPINS LEFT: 1 ", 0,255,255,50); Shop chances2=new Shop(" COST: 10 \n SPINS LEFT: 0 ", 0,255,255,50); Shop clearBag=new Shop(" CLEAR UR BAG STORAGE \n TO SPIN ", 0,255,255,50); Shop gotEnforcer=new Shop(" YOU GOT A ENFORCER ", 0,255,255,50); Shop gotHealth=new Shop(" YOU GOT A HEALTH KIT ", 0,255,255,50); Shop gotShield=new Shop(" YOU GOT A SHIELD ", 0,255,255,50); Shop gotPotion=new Shop(" YOU GOT A POTION ", 0,255,255,50); Shop gotScore=new Shop(" YOU GOT BONUS POINT ", 0,255,255,50); Shop shopJackPot=new Shop(" CONGRATULATION !!! \n YOU WON 100 COINS ", 0,255,255,50); public void Fortune() { //getImage().scale(50, 50); } public void act() { MyWorld w = (MyWorld) getWorld(); if(getWorld()!=null && getWorld().getObjects(CounterShop.class).size()>0) { CounterShop counterShop = getWorld().getObjects(CounterShop.class).get(0); if(Greenfoot.mouseClicked(chances) && counterShop.score>=10) { getImage().setTransparency(90); Greenfoot.delay(5); getImage().setTransparency(255); } if(w.click3<=1 || w.click2<=4 || w.click4<=1 || w.click5<=1 || w.click1<=4) { if(Greenfoot.mouseClicked(chances) && counterShop.score>=1 && w.g==0 ) { w.g+=1; rand=Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(s.length); //rand=4; UserInfo myData2 = UserInfo.getMyInfo(); if (myData2 != null) { counterShop.score-=10; myData2.setInt(5,counterShop.score);; } getWorld().removeObject(counterShop); getWorld().addObject(new CounterShop(), getWorld().getWidth()/2-20, 18); } } } if(rand==0 && w.click3>1) { w.removeObject(w.shopEnforcer); Shop shopEnforcer=new Shop(" BAG IS FULL ", 255,225,0,50); w.addObject(shopEnforcer, 400, 450);//orange }else if(rand==1 && w.click2>4) { w.removeObject(w.shopHealth); Shop shopHealth=new Shop(" BAG IS FULL ", 255,0,255,70); w.addObject(shopHealth, 245, 450);//purple }else if(rand==2 && w.click4>1) { w.removeObject(w.shopShield); Shop shopShield=new Shop(" BAG IS FULL ", 86,12,255,60); w.addObject(shopShield, 550, 450);//blue }else if(rand==3 && w.click5>1) { w.removeObject(w.shopPotion); Shop shopPotion=new Shop(" BAG IS FULL ", 255,0,0,60); w.addObject(shopPotion, 695, 450);//red }else if(rand==4 && w.click1>4) { w.removeObject(w.shopScore); Shop shopScore=new Shop(" BAG IS FULL ", 0,255,255,50); w.addObject(shopScore, 95, 450);//cyan } if(w.g==1) { if(rand==0 && w.click3<=1) { if(++mod%4==0) { turn(--turn1); } if(turn1<=1) { turn1=1; w.click3++; w.removeObject(w.shopEnforcer); getWorld().addObject(gotEnforcer, getX(), getY()+100); Shop shopEnforcer=new Shop(" ENFORCER "+"\n COST: 15 \n LEFT:"+w.available3+"\n BAG STORAGE: "+w.click3+"/2 ", 255,225,0,50); w.addObject(shopEnforcer, 400, 450);//orange w.g++; } } if(rand==1 && w.click2<=4) { if(++mod%4==0) { turn(--turn2); } if(turn2<=1) { turn2=1; w.click2++; w.removeObject(w.shopHealth); getWorld().addObject(gotHealth, getX(), getY()+100); Shop shopHealth=new Shop(" HEALTH KIT "+"\n COST: 3 \n LEFT:"+w.available2+"\n BAG STORAGE: "+w.click2+"/5 ", 255,0,255,70); w.addObject(shopHealth, 245, 450);//purple w.g++; } } if(rand==2 && w.click4<=1) { if(++mod%4==0) { turn(--turn3); } if(turn3<=1) { turn3=1; w.click4++; w.removeObject(w.shopShield); getWorld().addObject(gotShield, getX(), getY()+100); Shop shopShield=new Shop(" SHILED "+"\n COST: 10 \n LEFT:"+w.available4+"\n BAG STORAGE: "+w.click4+"/2 ", 86,12,255,60); w.addObject(shopShield, 550, 450);//blue w.g++; } } if(rand==3 && w.click5<=1) { if(++mod%4==0) { turn(--turn4); } if(turn4<=1) { turn4=1; w.click5++; w.removeObject(w.shopPotion); getWorld().addObject(gotPotion, getX(), getY()+100);//cyan Shop shopPotion=new Shop(" POTION "+"\n COST: 15 \n LEFT:"+w.available5+"\n BAG STORAGE: "+w.click5+"/2 ", 255,0,0,60); w.addObject(shopPotion, 695, 450);//red w.g++; } } if(rand==4 && w.click1<=4) { if(++mod%4==0) { turn(--turn5); } if(turn5<=1) { turn5=1; w.click1++; w.removeObject(w.shopScore); getWorld().addObject(gotScore, getX(), getY()+100);//cyan Shop shopScore=new Shop(" BONUS POINT "+"\n COST: 5 \n LEFT:"+w.available1+"\n BAG STORAGE: "+w.click1+"/5 ", 0,255,255,50); w.addObject(shopScore, 95, 450);//red w.g++; } } if(rand==5) { if(++mod%4==0) { turn(--turn6); } if(turn6<=1 ) { turn6=1; if(getWorld()!=null && getWorld().getObjects(CounterShop.class).size()>0) { CounterShop counterShop2 = getWorld().getObjects(CounterShop.class).get(0); UserInfo myData = UserInfo.getMyInfo(); if (myData != null) { counterShop2.score+=100; myData.setInt(5,counterShop2.score);; } getWorld().removeObject(counterShop2); getWorld().addObject(shopJackPot, getX(), getY()+105);//cyan w.g++; } getWorld().addObject(new CounterShop(), getWorld().getWidth()/2-20, 18); } } //getWorld().showText("red "+turn1+"\ncyan "+turn2+"\nbllue "+turn3+"\norange "+turn4+ //"\npurp "+turn5+"\ngreen "+turn6+"\n rand"+rand+"\n click"+w.g, 222, 222); } if(w.click3<=1 || w.click2<=4 || w.click4<=1 || w.click5<=1 || w.click1<=4) { if(w.g>0) { getWorld().removeObject(chances); getWorld().removeObject(clearBag); getWorld().addObject(chances2, getWorld().getWidth()/2-20, 70); }else if(w.g==0) { getWorld().removeObject(chances2); getWorld().removeObject(clearBag); getWorld().addObject(chances, getWorld().getWidth()/2-20, 70); } } if(w.click3>1 || w.click2>4 || w.click4>1 || w.click5>1 || w.click1>4) { getWorld().removeObject(chances); getWorld().removeObject(chances2); getWorld().addObject(clearBag, getWorld().getWidth()/2-20, 70); } } }