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CodingCowgirl wrote ...


World doesn't display text although code is correct - why?

CodingCowgirl CodingCowgirl


I got a problem with display a specific text in my world. Actually, there should be displaying a question in my world. But for any reason, it doesn’t. Why? The code is correct.
    public firstCategory_questionone()
           super(1920, 1080, 1); 
         GreenfootImage bg = new GreenfootImage("london-background.png");
         bg.scale(getWidth(), getHeight());
    //This shows a simple background for a question
     private void firstDescription() {
        Quiztemplate quiztemplate = new Quiztemplate();
        addObject(quiztemplate, 960, 540);
    //should display a text block with the question and its possible answers. The user is able to click on each button for a right or a wrong answer.
    private void firstQuestion() {
        GreenfootImage img = new GreenfootImage (630, 270);
        img.drawString("Frage 1: Wie schreibt sich das Englische Wort für 'Erfahrung'?", 2, 20);
    //goes to the next question when user is ready
       public void act() {
         if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("enter")) {
danpost danpost


CodingCowgirl wrote...
I got a problem with display a specific text in my world. Actually, there should be displaying a question in my world. But for any reason, it doesn’t. Why? The code is correct. << Code Omitted >>
The code may compile (being correct in that sense), but it does not appear to be coded to do what you want. I do not see where the firstQuestion method is being called from.
CodingCowgirl CodingCowgirl


@danpost I tried to put it into the first public method. However, the background disappears then and the text appears. Which is something I don't want.
danpost danpost


CodingCowgirl wrote...
@danpost I tried to put it into the first public method. However, the background disappears then and the text appears. Which is something I don't want.
I thought maybe you would put it after line 26.
CodingCowgirl CodingCowgirl


@danpost Can you please explain why to put this in text? I'm a bit confused. Pics work wonderfully without act but this don't?
danpost danpost


CodingCowgirl wrote...
@danpost Can you please explain why to put this in text? I'm a bit confused. Pics work wonderfully without act but this don't?
It is possible that I am confused also. Please provide current codes; explain exactly what you want and how it currently runs differently from what you want. Also, a brief summary of the initial order of progression of what should happen might help.
CodingCowgirl CodingCowgirl


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.awt.*;
 * Write a description of class firstCategory_questionone here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class firstCategory_questionone extends World
     * Constructor for objects of class firstCategory_questionone.
    public firstCategory_questionone()
           super(1920, 1080, 1); 
         GreenfootImage bg = new GreenfootImage("london-background.png");
         bg.scale(getWidth(), getHeight());
    //This shows a simple background for a question
     private void firstDescription() {
        Quiztemplate quiztemplate = new Quiztemplate();
        addObject(quiztemplate, 960, 540);
    //should display a text block with the question and its possible answers. The user is able to click on each button for a right or a wrong answer.
    private void firstQuestion() {
        GreenfootImage img = new GreenfootImage (630, 270);
        img.drawString("Frage 1: Wie schreibt sich das Englische Wort für 'Erfahrung'?", 2, 20);
    private void next_button() {
        Next next = new Next();
        addObject(next, 1295, 825);
    //goes to the next question when user is ready
       public void act() {
         if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("enter")) {
danpost danpost


And what codes do you have in the Next class?
CodingCowgirl CodingCowgirl


@danpost It's a simple button that redirects to the next question.
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