public class Space extends World { private String[] soundFiles = {"3c", "3d", "3e", "3f", "3g", "3a", "3b", "4c", "4d","4e", "4f", "4g"}; /** * Create space. */ public Space() { super(960, 620, 1); makeObstacles(); randomBodies(5); // Uncomment one of the following method calls if you want the objects created automatically: //sunAndPlanet(); } /** * Set up the universe with a sun and a planet. */ public void sunAndPlanet() { removeAllObjects(); addObject (new Body (50, 240.0, new Vector(270, 0.03), new Color(255, 216, 0)), 460, 270); addObject (new Body (20, 4.2, new Vector(90, 2.2), new Color(0, 124, 196)), 695, 260); } /** * Set up the universe with a sun and two planets. */ public void sunAndTwoPlanets() { removeAllObjects(); addObject (new Body (50, 240.0, new Vector(270, 0.0), new Color(255, 216, 0)), 460, 310); addObject (new Body (20, 4.2, new Vector(90, 2.2), new Color(0, 124, 196)), 695, 300); addObject (new Body (24, 4.6, new Vector(270, 1.8), new Color(248, 160, 86)), 180, 290); } /** * Set up the universe with a sun, a planet, and a moon. */ public void sunPlanetMoon() { removeAllObjects(); addObject (new Body (50, 240.0, new Vector(270, 0.0), new Color(255, 216, 0)), 460, 270); addObject (new Body (20, 4.2, new Vector(90, 2.2), new Color(0, 124, 196)), 720, 260); addObject (new Body (5, 0.8, new Vector(90, 3.25), new Color(240, 220, 96)), 748, 260); } /** * Remove all objects currently in the world. */ private void removeAllObjects() { removeObjects (getObjects(Actor.class)); } /** * It will create the obtacles in the world. */ public void makeObstacles() { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < soundFiles.length; i++) { //addObject (new Obstacle (soundFiles [i] + ".wav"), 150 + i*60, 310); addObject (new Obstacle (soundFiles [i] + ".wav"), 100 + i*70, 5); addObject (new Obstacle (soundFiles [i] + ".wav"), 100 + i*70, 615); addObject (new Obstacle (soundFiles [i] + ".wav"), 15 + 10, i*55);//vertical walls addObject (new Obstacle (soundFiles [i] + ".wav"), 925 + 10, i*55);//vertical walls } } /** * */ public void randomBodies (int n) { removeObjects(getObjects(Body.class)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int s = 20 + Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(30); double m = s * 7.0; double speed = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(150) / 100.0; int d = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(360); int x = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getWidth()); int y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getHeight()); int r = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(255); int g = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(255); int b = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(255); addObject (new Body (s, m, new Vector(d, speed), new Color(r, g, b)), x, y); } } }
public class Obstacle extends Actor { private String sound; private boolean touched; /** * Create an obstacle with a sound for each, sounds are from our piano project */ public Obstacle (String soundFile) { sound = soundFile; } /** * Act - do whatever the Obstacle wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { Object body = getOneIntersectingObject(Body.class); if (body == null && touched) //we did this in our piano project but not with null, null means.. { setImage ("block.png"); touched = false; } if (body !=null && !touched) { setImage ("block-light.png"); Greenfoot.playSound(sound); touched = true; } } }