I have this four classes, saving_account, chequing_account, transaction_account and the account class but the question is mostly based on the saving, chequing, account and transaction classes. in all of the classes except for the transaction class(which is pertaining to the transaction class actually) I have this error that says: constructor Transaction_Account in class Transaction_Account cannot be applied to given types;
required: Date, char, double, double, String
but instead found: found: Date, char, double, int, int, String but when I look in the transaction class, there is date, char, double, double and string. i have check this over a million time and even check all of the other classes and still cant see where the error is originated from. all of the classes have the same error, I am going to post one of the classes with the error and I will also post the transaction class.
any help will be appreciated
I am posting the saving account class
public class Saving_Account extends Account{ private float interestRate = 500; double balance; public Saving_Account(String firstname, String acctnum, double balance, float interestRate){ super(firstname, acctnum, balance); this.interestRate=interestRate; } public float getinterestRate(){ return interestRate; } public void setinterestRate(float interestRate){ this.interestRate = interestRate/100; } private double getBalance(double balance) { return balance; } public void setbalance(double balance){ this.balance = balance; } public void payInterest(){ double total_amt = getbalance(); double balance = 0; balance=(total_amt + (total_amt*getinterestRate())); setbalance(balance); System.out.print("Account Balance with interest is %.2f"+balance); Transaction_Account newtrans = new Transaction_Account(new Date(), 'I', balance,0,0,"Interest Paid"); transacct.add(newtrans); } //withdrawal method @Override public void withdraw(double total_amt){ double balance = 0; double acctamt = 0; if(acctamt < total_amt){ System.out.println("Insufficient funds, balance is :$"+ acctamt); } else{ balance = acctamt -= total_amt; setbalance(balance); System.out.print("The withdrawal of: $"+total_amt + " was succesful, the new balance is: $%.2f" + getBalance(balance)); Transaction_Account newtrans = new Transaction_Account(new Date(), 'W', balance, 0,0, "Withdraw Made"); transacct.add(newtrans); } } @Override public void deposit(double total_amt){ double balance; double acctamt = getbalance(); balance = acctamt+=total_amt; setbalance(balance); System.out.println("Your deposit amount is: $"+ total_amt + "was successful, the new balance is"+ balance); Transaction_Account newtrans = new Transaction_Account(new Date(), 'D', balance, 0,0, "deposit made"); this is where the error is:constructor Transaction_Account in class Transaction_Account cannot be applied to given types; required: Date,char,double,double,String found: Date,char,double,int,int,String transacct.add(newtrans); } @Override public String toString(){ return this.toString()+ "Interest Rate"+ interestRate; } } this is the transaction class where it is saying the error is and there is none, it have to correct variable public class Transaction_Account{ ArrayList <Transaction_Account> newtrans = new ArrayList(); private Date date; private double balance; private String description; private char type; private double total_amt; public Transaction_Account(Date date, char type, double balance, double total_amt, String description){ this.date = new Date(); this.type = type; this.balance = balance; this.total_amt = total_amt; this.description=description; } public Date getDate(){ return date; } public char gettype(){ return type; } public double getbalance(){ return balance; } public String getdescription(){ return description; } public double gettotal_amt(){ return total_amt; } public void setDate(Date date){ this.date=date; } public void settype(char type){ this.type=type; } public void setbalance(double balance){ this.balance = balance; } public void setdescription(String description){ this.description=description; } public void settotal_amt(double total_amt){ this.total_amt = total_amt; } @Override public String toString(){ return "\n"+new Date()+" "+ "Type "+ this.type + " "+ "Account Balance"+ this.balance +" "+"Description"+ this.description; } }