I am working on a game, but one of my actors is not moving. In the code I have a timer, that is supposed to show the actor when to move. When the timer finishes, the actor should get a random number between 0 and 50, make an int with it plus his original coordinate and compare it with an int that shows the x coordinate he has at the moment.
If the x coordinate he has is smaller or the same as the original coordinate plus the random number he should move.
import greenfoot.*; public class Cal1 extends Actor { int movetimer = 400; public void act() { movehorse(); } public void movehorse() { movetimer--; if (movetimer == 0) { int d1 = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(50); if (d1 == 0) d1 = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(50); int x = getX(); int xw = 64 + d1; if (x <= xw) move(5); } } }