My code always leads to problems with actor not in World.
What's wrong with it?
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class Enemy here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Tumor extends Actor { /** * Act - do whatever the Enemy wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ int a; int b = 1; int timer = 300; boolean badtumor = false; private GreenfootImage GoodTumor; private GreenfootImage BadTumor; public void act() { GoodTumor = new GreenfootImage("GoodTumor.png"); BadTumor = new GreenfootImage("BadTumor.png"); if (Tutorial.tutorial == false) { if (MyWorld.freezeTimer > 0) return; else { if( isAtEdge() ){ turn(17); } if( isTouching(Border.class) ){ turn(17); } if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(50) <1){ a = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(91)-45; turn(a); } move(b); } if (timer > 0) { timer--; if(timer == 0) { badtumor = !badtumor; timer = timer + 300; } } if (badtumor == true) { setImage(BadTumor); } else { setImage(GoodTumor); } } lookForBullet(); lookForPlayer(); } public void lookForPlayer() { if ( == 0) { removeTouching (Player.class); } if (isTouching(Player.class)) { if( > 0) {; getWorld().removeObject(this); } } } public void lookForBullet() { if (isTouching(Bullet.class)) { if (badtumor == false) { removeTouching (Tumor.class); getWorld().removeObject(this); Bullet.enemieskilled++; if (Bacteria.bacteria > 2) { Bacteria.bacteria--; } if (Virus.virus > 3) { Virus.virus--; } } else if (badtumor == true) { removeTouching (Tumor.class); getWorld().removeObject(this); Bullet.enemieskilled++; if (Bacteria.bacteria < 4) { Bacteria.bacteria++; } if (Virus.virus < 5) { Virus.virus++; } } } } }