Hello! I have an arraylist and constructor in my Questions class! There are five questions in the constructor. After I make one appear, how do I make the previous question disappear?
public class Questions extends Actor { private ArrayList<String> questionList = new ArrayList<String>(); Instructions instruct; private String newImage; private int index = 0; private Truebutton myTrueButton; private Falsebutton myFalseButton; /** * Act - do whatever the Questions wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { if(myTrueButton.clicked() || myFalseButton.clicked()) { index++;//remember to check if index is equal to 5 or greater then done with program display(); } } public String show() { return questionList.get(index); } /** * display - gets the next question */ public void display() { World myWorld = getWorld(); Greenfoot.delay(10); myWorld.getBackground().drawImage(new GreenfootImage(show(), 20, null, null), 15, 150); } public Questions(Truebutton tbutton, Falsebutton fbutton) { myTrueButton = tbutton; myFalseButton = fbutton; getImage().setTransparency(0); questionList.add("Covid-19 can be transmitted through the air."); questionList.add("Covid-19 particles last for weeks on surfaces."); questionList.add("Loss of smell is a symptom."); questionList.add("Younger people are at higher risk."); questionList.add("Reinfection is not possible."); instruct=new Instructions(show()); } }