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w1llis wrote ...


Randomly Generated Map

w1llis w1llis


So, after toying around with Greenfoot for a while, i decided i want to make a game or program that generates a completely random terrain, which the user can then explore. How will i go about doing this? Right now i made a small program thats a bit like it, but generates a fixed amount of each terrain, i want to generate a random amount, but i only know of the method addObject( new object(), 0, 0); and i dont know how to run that method a random number of times... Thanks in advance!
DonaldDuck DonaldDuck


You can get a random number by calling Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(int range); and assign it to a variable... For example...
//This will make int random_terrain a random number between 0 and 100
int random_terrain = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100);

//And this will add that number of your terrain object
for(random_terrain = random_terrain; random_terrain > 0)
    addObject(new Object(), int x, int y);
w1llis w1llis


Thanks, was having a blonde moment actually... Forgot about the for loop, i for some reason rarely use it... Thanks, its a great help. Now to get cracking on the actual program :)
davmac davmac


I suggest a "while" loop instead. The logic is exactly the same but it avoids the unnecessary assignment:
//This will make int random_terrain a random number between 0 and 100
int random_terrain = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100);

//And this will add that number of your terrain object
while (random_terrain > 0)
    addObject(new Object(), int x, int y);
You could also just write the "for" loop as:
for( ; random_terrain > 0 ; random_terrain-- )
    addObject(new Object(), int x, int y);
w1llis w1llis


thanks, sounds good :)
w1llis w1llis


how can i get a random negative integer? Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(-50);?
wagnerf wagnerf


@w1llis: Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(int n) is from 0 to n-1 numbers. But you can do for any ranges, from "InitialValue" to "FinalValue", like this:
int randomNumber = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(FinalValue-InitialValue +1) + InitialValue;
For examples: From -50 to 70, we have
int randomNumber = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(121) -50;
From 30 to 50:
int randomNumber = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(21) +30;
From -100 to -50:
int randomNumber = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(51) -100;
Good luck!
DonaldDuck DonaldDuck


You could also just get a random number then apply a (-) to it.
int random = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(50);
random = -random;
w1llis w1llis


Thanks Wagnerf and DonaldDuck. I'm slowly re-learning Java :)
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