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Greenfoot back
NJoson wrote ...


um... My World isn't getting seen by the program?

NJoson NJoson


So I was just reading through the code so I could understand what was going on and now no world is seen and when I tried to share it Greenfoot told me that no world class could be found. The code of the world() class is: import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class Desert here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Road extends World { // instance variables private int counter = 0; private int spawnRate; private int spawnY; private int vehicleSpeed; private int lives = 3; private int level; private int autoCount; private Level currentLevel; private boolean levelLoaded = false; private boolean spawning; private boolean actionPaused = false; private boolean showScore = false; private boolean deathSequenceActive = false; // Not implemented yet: private int chanceOfDouble; private int chanceOfTriple; // Sounds and Graphics loading private GreenfootImage frogImage = new GreenfootImage ("frog.png"); private GreenfootImage splat = new GreenfootImage ("splat.png"); private GreenfootImage rivalImage = new GreenfootImage ("rival.gif"); // For some reason sounds work better if initialized in the constructor private GreenfootSound smush; private GreenfootSound levelUpSound; private GreenfootSound gameOverSound; // owned instance objects private LifeCounter lifeCounter = new LifeCounter (); private LevelCounter levelCounter = new LevelCounter (); private Frogger myFrog = new Frogger(); private Rival redRival = new Rival(); //heart object private Actor heart; /** * Constructor for objects of class Desert. */ public Road() { // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels. super(600, 400, 1); // Ensure that Frogs and Blood occur over top of everything else setPaintOrder(Frogger.class, BloodPool.class, ScoreBoard.class, Enemy.class); // Add the life counter to the World addObject (lifeCounter, 67, 25); addObject (levelCounter, 530, 24); // Initialize sound within the constructor to avoid wierd sound lag smush = new GreenfootSound("smush.wav"); levelUpSound = new GreenfootSound("mariocoin.mp3"); gameOverSound = new GreenfootSound("GameOver.wav"); // Set level to 1 level = 1; autoCount = 0; } public void act () { // Load level if necessary if (levelLoaded == false) { // Load level if player has lives left if (lives > 0) { levelLoader(); levelLoaded = true; } else { ScoreBoard s = new ScoreBoard (level, "Game Over", "On Level "); addObject (s, 300,200);; // End program Greenfoot.stop(); } } // If appropriate, spawn cars if (actionPaused == false && spawning == true) { spawnCars(); } // Control sequence to ensure that after death, program waits until // all cars are off-screen before spawning the next Frogger if (deathSequenceActive) { if (autoCount == 0) { deathSequenceActive = false; levelLoaded = false; } } // Create hearts at specified rate---------------------------------------------------------- if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(300)==0) { //creates a random number at every frame and if it is equal to 0... heart=new Heart(); //create a new heart addObject(heart,Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(451)+50,Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(226)+150); //add the heart to the world with random coordinates between (50,150) and (450,225) //note: increasing the 300 in the if statement will create less hearts, and vice versa for decreasing } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } // Method to set necessary values to change level private void levelLoader () { // Add a fresh Frogger object addObject(myFrog, 300, 370); // Update the info stored in currentLevel currentLevel = new Level (level); levelCounter.setLevel(level); // Set image to frog (in case "splat" was being displayed) myFrog.setImage(frogImage); // change appropriate booleans for game flow actionPaused = false; spawning = true; // load instance variables from Level spawnRate = currentLevel.getSpawnRate(); vehicleSpeed = currentLevel.getVehicleSpeed(); chanceOfDouble = currentLevel.getChanceOfDouble(); chanceOfTriple = currentLevel.getChanceOfTriple(); myFrog.setSpeed(currentLevel.getFroggerSpeed()); // Ensure that level is not loaded again until necessary levelLoaded = true; } /** * Controlled spawning of new cars */ private void spawnCars() { int randVal = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3)+1; int spawnChance = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100) + 1; // spawn single if (counter % spawnRate == 0) { if (randVal == 1) spawnY = 127; else if (randVal == 2) spawnY = 223; else spawnY = 320; addObject(new EastboundAuto(vehicleSpeed), 20, spawnY); autoCount++; } else if (counter % spawnRate == spawnRate / 2) { if (randVal == 1) spawnY = 78; else if (randVal == 2) spawnY = 173; else spawnY = 270; addObject(new WestboundAuto(vehicleSpeed), 578, spawnY); autoCount++; } counter++; } /** * */ private void spawn (int num, int y, boolean east) { } /** * This method gets called when the player dies or finishes a level * * True = player completed level * False = player died */ public void endLevel(boolean win) { ScoreBoard s = null; actionPaused = true; spawning = false; if (win == true) { level++;; removeObject (myFrog); levelLoaded = false; Greenfoot.delay(50); } else { // Change the Frogger's image to the bloody frog myFrog.setImage(splat); // Play a smush sound; BloodPool b = new BloodPool(); addObject (b, myFrog.getX(), myFrog.getY()); lives -= 1; lifeCounter.subtractLife(); actionPaused = false; deathSequenceActive = true; removeObject (myFrog); } } //create a method for adding a life------------------------------------------------------------ public void collectHeart() { lives++; lifeCounter.addLife(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public boolean isActionPaused () { return actionPaused; } public void reduceAutoCount (int byHowMany) { autoCount -= byHowMany; } } The only other thing I did was create an Actor. In case it is the problem, the code for the new Actor is: import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class Rival here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Rival extends Actor { /** * Act - do whatever the Rival wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ private int speed; private boolean active; public Rival() { active= true; speed=2; } public void act() { if (checkWin() ) { endGame(true); } else if(checkDeath() && active == true) { active = false; endGame(false); } } public void addedToWorld (World w) { active = true; } public void advance() { if (active == true) { setLocation(getWorld().getWidth()-Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100), getY()); move(4); if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(150) < 10) { turn(Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(90) - 45); } if (getX() >= getWorld().getWidth()) turn(180); } } private boolean checkDeath() { Enemy e = (Enemy)getOneIntersectingObject(Enemy.class); if (e != null) // if an enemy is detected colliding with Frogger, then death = true :( return true; return false; } private boolean checkWin() { if (getY() <= 32) { active = false; return true; } else return false; } private void endGame (boolean win) { // Return a message declaring win or lose to the Road (World) Road d = (Road)getWorld(); d.endLevel (win); } public void setSpeed (int speed) { this.speed = speed; } }
davmac davmac


Have you tried restarting Greenfoot? Are you using the latest version of Greenfoot?
NJoson NJoson


I restarted the software and my greenfoot is 2.1.1. Still not working. The world doesn't get displayed and the run and pause buttons are gray.
davmac davmac


Can you try with Greenfoot 2.1.2?
Akuhano Akuhano


Did you try compiling first? (I understand this might be a stupid question)
NJoson NJoson


Compiling didn't do anything. Would it make a difference even though it was written in 2.1.1? I currently downloading 2.1.2
NJoson NJoson


so I just finished updating and the problem persists. Any other suggestions?
Akuhano Akuhano


What I've tried once was to open a new scenario, copy everything over, and try there.
davmac davmac


If you zip up the scenario and send it to we can have a look at it.
NJoson NJoson


okay I sent the compressed file.
kiarocks kiarocks


Is there any compile errors?
NJoson NJoson


None. All my classes pass.
NJoson NJoson


would it help if I posted the other classes also?
danpost danpost


The problem stems from the fact that you re-named your world class. You may have to create a new scenario and copy/paste everything over. Wait, I see you have tried that -- When you open the scenario, does Greenfoot show your sub-class of the World to be 'Road' or 'Desert', and does the code in the world class match this name?
davmac davmac


The scenario you sent doesn't completely compile. The source for "WestboundAuto" is missing - the .java file is empty. I could construct a new world by right-clicking the world class (Road) and choosing "new Road()". After that the world is displayed properly.
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