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Greenfoot back
roccoricciardi wrote ...



roccoricciardi roccoricciardi


how might one put a limit on how high an object can jump? aka - if i hold down the "up" key i don't want my actor to soar to the sky
davmac davmac


One simple way is to use a counter to count how long the actor has been jumping for, and if it gets too high, stop moving up. Declare the counter inside your class (not inside the method):
int jumpCounter = 0;
Then, something like:
    if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up")) {
        if (jumpCounter < 20) {
            // move upwards
This isn't a complete solution, but it should get you started.
roccoricciardi roccoricciardi


thanks! only issue with that is that jumpCounter remains at 20 even after the key is released, so a second keyDown check such as the following is needed to reset the count so that the actor could jump later if(!(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("w"))) jumpCount=0;
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