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Greenfoot back
DonaldDuck wrote ...


Greenfoot Mobile App?

Upupzealot Upupzealot


@-nic- Have add line: Greenfoot.start(); at the end of your world's constructor? Always remember to do this since Greenfoot4Android didn't has a start button.
-nic- -nic-


cool thanks
Upupzealot Upupzealot


@groengeel see above, have you started your World?
groengeel groengeel


the game plays, the actor exists. i just dont see the image..
Upupzealot Upupzealot


Alright, send me your whole project by email. I would have a look.
-nic- -nic-


@Upupzealot did any one make a tutorial on how to start using Greenfoot4Android
Upupzealot Upupzealot


Not yet, but I'm planning doing that.
-nic- -nic-


Okay because i was going to start on one but its cool
Upupzealot Upupzealot


Aha, you may write something about downloading Eclipse and SDK. I didn't plan doing that.
-nic- -nic-


Okay ill have a go But i can only do it for linux and mac and windows are much more popular ans stable
groengeel groengeel


Upupzealot, I just mailed you a zipped archive with the project files. About the tutorial thingies. I think we would want to write an automated conversion script which does most of the basic handling by itself. Like: create a package, add setImage() methods in constructors, add Greenfoot.start(), check what types of input you're using and based on that choose an inputmethod, you know, that kind of stuff. It could also place everything in the right folder (/images to assets, /sounds to assets, remove .class files, remove greenfoot project files, add .java files to the src/<<packageName>> folder) Basically it would just generate a Greenfoot4Android archive containing your project. This would save people tons of work and errorfixing.
Upupzealot Upupzealot


I'm checking your code at this moment. For the automatically convertion. The idea is great, but I don't think that would be an easy job. And people could not always expecting things to be automatically... Greenfoot4Android has do a lot of things to make the convertion easier. Think of do the convertion yourself without Greenfoot4Android, and you would see the difficulty. No pain no gain, right? After all, your suggestion is good, and I would think of it. I just think it's beyond my ability.
-nic- -nic-


it would be great but there is big differences between davimk(i think its spelt that way) and greenfoot and if it is possible to just drag and drop you would never progress futher into davimk
groengeel groengeel


Well. It's great as it is already. The automatic conversion is just there to make your life easier. (If this gets popular) people are going to ask tons of questions. Upupzealot, please don't share the full code here. The greenfoot code is still at my teachers desk for review, I want to prevent any accusations of plagiarism. I removed the code from my server already :)
Upupzealot Upupzealot


@groeneel I won't open your source if you didn't want. For your problem: The reason that AntiAirGun is missing is still unknown.(I would check again) For the Numbers, that's because the constructor GreenfootImage(String, int, Color, Color) in Greenfoot4Android didn't work. (I didn't solve this problem yet) You may creat an empty GreenfootImage and write the words yourself in act() (remember to clear first everytime you rewrite them) Another suggestion is: the constructor of World in Greenfoot4Android World(int, int, int) actually equals World(int, int, int, false) in Greenfoot. So Actors may get out of the World, so you have to check the bound your self.
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