I am trying to make a attack with the name "ice" the plan is to make the movement speed of "enemy" nad "dog"my enemies 0 but i dont know how to do it can someone tell me how to do this
import greenfoot.*; public class Enemies extends Actor { public int W; //gives the movement speed, put this as "move(W);" public int Freezing = 0; //Countdown for freezing public boolean frozen1 = false; //Is the enemy frozen then it's true, if the enemy is not frozen then it's false public void act() { Frozen(); if(frozen1 == true) { W = 0; } else { W = ...; //put your own value here } move(W); } public void Frozen() { if(frozen1 == true) { Freezing++; } if(Freezing >= 100) { frozen1 = false; Freezing = 0; } } }
import greenfoot.*; public class Freezing extends PlayerBullet { public void act() { Freeze(); } public void Freeze() { Enemies enem = (Enemies)getOneIntersectingObject(Enemies.class); if(enem != null && enem.frozen1 == false) { enem.frozen1 = true; } } }
/** * Write a description of class villian here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class enemy extends Actor { /** * Act - do whatever the enemy wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { move(-3); } }
if ( ! isTouching(ice.class)) move(-3);
/** * */ public class ice extends Actor { /** * Act - do whatever the ice wants to do. This method is called whenever the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { move(5); dog d = (dog) getOneIntersectingObject(dog.class); enemy v = (enemy) getOneIntersectingObject(enemy.class); if (v != null) { if ( ! isTouching(enemy.class)) move(0); } if (d != null) { move(0); } } }
import greenfoot.*; public class ice extends Actor { public void act() { move(5); } }
public void act() { move(5); if (isAtEdge()) getWorld().removeObject(this); }