I am a Comp sci 30 student and I am looking to finish my little project on increasing the Cloud's speed to go up gradually over time.
public class Cloud extends Actor { private int speed = 4; //speed of the cloud private int rightTurn = 525; //right side change direction private int leftTurn = 240; //left side change direction /** * Move in the direction we are currently moving in. Turn if we reach a turning point. */ public void act() { setLocation (getX() + speed, getY()); Actor actor = getOneIntersectingObject(null); //check whether we are not intersecting with an actor if (actor != null) { actor.setLocation ( actor.getX() + speed, actor.getY() ); //pengu will move with the cloud } if (atTurningPoint()) { speed = -speed; //changes the direction of the cloud } } public boolean atTurningPoint() { if (getX()<= leftTurn || getX()>= 525) { return true; } else { return false; } } }