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KCee wrote ...


I want to pass the score from my MyWorld world to my GameOver world

KCee KCee


I have a score in my game that's saved in a score variable. I want to pass it on to my GameOver world so it shows the final score I got. Heres my code for the MyWorld world:
public class MyWorld extends World

     * Constructor for objects of class MyWorld.
    private final int typeCount = 4;
    GreenfootImage[] fishImages;
    GreenfootSound backgroundMusic = new GreenfootSound("peacefulmusic.mp3");
    GreenfootSound gotFish = new GreenfootSound("gotFish.wav");
    //the percentage chance for each fish to be caught
    private int[] fishCount = new int[] {50, 30, 15, 5};
    public int score = 0;
    public Label scoreLabel = new Label(0,30);
    Label fishCaught = new Label ("Fish Caught: ", 30);
    Label myScore = new Label ("Score: ", 30);
    int timer;
    int timePerMove = 20;
    public MyWorld()
        super(600, 400, 1, false); 
        addObject(fishCaught, 480, 10);
        addObject(myScore, 527, 45);
        fishImages = new GreenfootImage[typeCount];
        Fisherman man = new Fisherman();
        addObject(man, 300, 275);
        Boat boat = new Boat();
        addObject(boat, 300, 300);
        //invisible boundary for boat
        Boundary boundary1 = new Boundary();
        addObject(boundary1, 125, 300);
        Boundary boundary2 = new Boundary();
        addObject(boundary2, 460, 300);
        addObject(scoreLabel, 580, 47);;
        for (int i = 0; i < typeCount; i++)
            fishImages[i] = new GreenfootImage("Images/fishTypes/fish" + i + ".png");

    //choosing a fish
    public void getFish()
        int[] fishes = new int[100];
        int n = 0;
        //making an array for each type of fish using the percentages in the
        //fishCount array so that when it chooses a random number, depending on 
        //which fish's array the number is in,it will choose that type of fish
        for (int t=0; t<typeCount; t++)
            for (int i=0; i<fishCount[t]; i++) 
            fishes[n+i] = t;
            n += fishCount[t];
        // choose a caught fish
        int caughtFish = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100);
        int type = fishes[caughtFish]; // type of fish caught
        GreenfootImage image = fishImages[type];
        Actor tempActor = new TempImage();
        addObject(tempActor, 580, 13);
        if (type == 0)
        if (type == 1)
        if (type == 2)
        if (type == 3)
    public void CincreaseScore() //common fish = 1 point
    public void RincreaseScore() //rare fish = 2 points
        score += 2;
    public void EincreaseScore() //epic fish = 3 points
        score += 3;
    public void LincreaseScore() //legendary fish = 4 points
        score += 4;
    public void spawnBubbles()//spawns bubbles with increasing speed
        Bubbles b = new Bubbles();
        int x = (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(200));
        int y = 290;
        b.frame = timePerMove;
        if(score % 2 == 0)
            timePerMove -= 1;
        addObject (b, x + 400, y);
    public void spawnBubbles2()//spawns bubbles with increasing speed
        Bubbles2 b2 = new Bubbles2();
        int x = (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(200));
        int y = 290;
        b2.frame = timePerMove;
        if(score % 2 == 0)
            timePerMove -= 1;
        addObject (b2, x, y);
    public void gameOver()
        GameOver overWorld = new GameOver();
        Greenfoot.setWorld (overWorld);
and here's the code for the GameOver world:
public class GameOver extends World
    Label gameOver = new Label ("Game Over :(", 80);
    Label myScore = new Label ("Score: ", 30);
    public Label scoreLabel = new Label (0,30);
    GreenfootSound lost = new GreenfootSound ("gameOver.wav");
     * Constructor for objects of class GameOver.
    public GameOver()
        super(600, 400, 1); 
        addObject(gameOver, 300, 200);
        addObject(myScore, 300, 350);
        addObject(scoreLabel, 350, 350);;
Spock47 Spock47


You can pass it as parameter/argument to the constructor: Definition (GameOver, line 12):
public GameOver(final int score)
{ ... }
Call (MyWorld, line 145):
GameOver overWorld = new GameOver(score);
Live long and prosper, Spock47
KCee KCee


I added the code you wrote but it still doesn't pass on the score to the GameOver world
public class GameOver extends World
    Label gameOver = new Label ("Game Over :(", 80);
    Label myScore = new Label ("Score: ", 40);
    public Label scoreLabel = new Label (0,40);
    GreenfootSound lost = new GreenfootSound ("gameOver.wav");
     * Constructor for objects of class GameOver.
    public GameOver(final int score)
        super(600, 400, 1); 
        addObject(gameOver, 300, 200);
        addObject(myScore, 300, 280);
        addObject(scoreLabel, 360, 280);;
public void gameOver()
        GameOver overWorld = new GameOver(score);
        Greenfoot.setWorld (overWorld);
Spock47 Spock47


KCee wrote...
I added the code you wrote but it still doesn't pass on the score to the GameOver world
Well, it does, but you have to also use it, e.g. adding in the constructor:
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