public void recoverHealth() { ++life; }
final Actor heart = getOneIntersectingObject(Heart.class); if (heart != null) { getWorld().removeObject(heart); healthBar.recoverHealth(); }
final HealthBar healthBar = getWorld().getObjects(HealthBar.class).get(0);
import greenfoot.*; public class Player extends Actor { private final int maxHealth = 3600; // adjust as needed private Bar bar; private int health; protected void addedToWorld(World world) { if (bar == null) bar = new Bar(); world.addObject(bar, 100, 30); // or 'addObject(bar, getX(), getY()-50);' if bar is to stay with player on screen } public void act() { if (/** any condition the causes health to change */) { // any non-bar actions here (like removing an object) bar.add(-10); // adjust value as needed; a negative value decreases health } // repeat for each condition that changes health // at end of act if (health == 0) getWorld().removeObject(this); } /** Bar class */ protected class Bar extends Actor { public Bar() { add(maxHealth); // start bar with full health } protected void add(change) { // adjust health health += change; if (health < 0) health = 0; if (heatlh > maxHealth) health = maxHealth; // determine bar width (percentage of health) int pct = health*100/maxHealth; // create and set new image for bar GreenfootImage image = new GreenfootImage(104, 24); image.drawRect(0, 0, 103, 23); image.drawRect(1, 1, 101, 21); /** * Could replace the last 2 lines with the following * * image.fill(); * image.setColor(Color.WHITE); * image.fillRect(2, 2, 102, 22); */ if (pct != 0) { GreenfootImage indicator = new GreenfootImage(pct, 20); indicator.setColor(Color.GREEN); indicator.fill(); image.drawImage(indicator(2, 2); } setImage(image); } } }
private void catch_gas() { if (isTouching(Gas.class)) { removeTouching(Gas.class); Greenfoot.playSound("gas.wav"); bar.add(10); // adjust change (value) as needed } }