I came across Stickman scenario with empty code so I am trying to write the code. I want the game to be the stickman jumping over enemies.
I tried with this code block but it didn't work, the stickman will jump and come down within fractions of second.
I also tried for loop to set the location but it seems even faster.
So please how can I make the stickman jump realistically.
import greenfoot.*; / * This is a stick man. Make him run and jump. * * @author * @version */ public class Stickman extends Actor { private int velocity = 0; private int velCount = 0; / * Make the stickman act. */ public void act() { run(); checkKeyPress(); } / * Method to check key press. */ public void checkKeyPress(){ int posX = getX(); int posY = getY(); if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up")){ setLocation(posX, posY-70); setImage("jump.png"); Greenfoot.delay(4); setImage("stand.png"); setLocation(getX(), posY); } } / * Method to make stickman run. */ public void run(){ move(velocity+6); //Starts running with 7 int posY = getY(); if (getX()+2>getWorld().getWidth()){ //getWorld().addObject(new Stickman(), 0, posY); //getWorld().removeObject(this); setLocation(0, posY); velCount++; incVelocity(); } } /** * Method to increase velocity by 1 after five rounds. */ public void incVelocity(){ if (velCount%5 == 0){ setVelocity(getVelocity()+1); } } public int getVelocity(){return velocity;} public void setVelocity(int velocity){this.velocity = velocity;} }