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JDNelson wrote ...



JDNelson JDNelson


I am using a third party library which is located in ..\lib\userlib\ I reference to the library in my project and achieve the desired effect, however, when I export my project the userlib libraries are not included in my exported standalone jar. I can get around this on my computer by including the 3rd party library in my %JRE_HOME%/lib/ext/ folder but this is not helpful if I want to share the project with other people. Is there a way to include referenced userlib jars/classes etc in a standalone project?
davmac davmac


First, there was no need to post the same thing twice! Please don't do that. You may be able simply extract the jar contents into your scenario before you export it. You can use winzip or any other tool which handles zip files (.jar files are the same format as .zip files).
JDNelson JDNelson


Sorry for the cross-post. Thanks for your reply
davmac davmac


No problem! (Just to be clear, it's fine to post something both here and in the Greenroom, it's just that you had posted the same thing to this forum twice, possibly by accident). I hope the suggestion worked for you.
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