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Arrinao wrote ...


How to make object dissapear upon entering a certain location & more

Arrinao Arrinao


Hello, I'm pretty much a fresh beginner to Greenfoot and recently have come across some problems which I seem not to be able to tackle on my own. First of all I have a problem with the turn() method. I don't want it to rotate my object in the direction of the move. I've tried the solutions written here but these methods seem to supersede the move method, i.e. the objects are made to go randomly around, and setRotation makes them go in certain direction:/ Secondly I'd like certain objects to dissapear at certain locations. The project I'm working on is a simulation of a restaurant in which waiters are moving and attend the tables. Waiter 0 looks for table 0 - if it reaches a table 0 (the square around it) it should dissapear (and change the table number to 1 in the process) and if it reaches table 1 or 2, it won't dissapear, but will have to avoid steping into that table. It should also be able to avoid another waiter (not step into him) Here's my code. I figured out the random movement in the world and the colision detection with it's borders, but the turning and dissapearing problem is just impenetrable for me atm.
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.util.*;  // Potrebujeme pracovat se seznamem (java.util.List)

 * Trida, predstavujici cisniky
public class Waiter extends Actor
    //Celkovy plat, reprezentovany jako pocet kol vsech cisniku
    private static Integer wages = 0;
     * Vynulovani statistik (pri vytvareni nove inhstance sveta)
    public static void resetStatistics() {
        wages = 0;
     * Vraci celkovy plat vsech cisniku
    public static Integer getWages() {
        return wages;

    //Typ cisnika
    private Integer type;

    // Cisnik je vytvaren primo z restaurace, ktera rozhoduje o jeho typu
    public Waiter(Integer type) {
        this.type = type;
        //Na disku jsou soubory waiter_0.png, waiter_1.png a waiter_2.png

    public void act(){
        move (1);
if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100)<65)
if (getX() <= 1 || getX() >= getWorld().getWidth() - 1)
if (getY() <= 1 || getY() >= getWorld().getHeight() - 1)
    turn (45);
if ((getX() == 1) && (getY() == 1)){
    turn (180);

if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(1000)==0) {
        } else {
           //TODO: Doplnit interakci s ostatnimi objekty (podle zadani)
    wages++;        //penize za kazde kolo aktivniho cisnika
        //TODO: Doplnit pohyb cisnika
    public void eat(){

        Actor waiter;
waiter = getOneObjectAtOffset(0,0, Actor.class);
if (waiter != null)
{World world=getWorld();
davmac davmac


I've tried the solutions written here but these methods seem to supersede the move method, i.e. the objects are made to go randomly around, and setRotation makes them go in certain direction:/
This is contradictory. Either "the objects go randomly around" or they "go in certain direction" (specified by setRotation) - it can't be both! I think what you're saying is that you want to be able to set the rotation of the graphic and the direction of movement independently. How about this:
    public void move(int distance)  
        int rot = getRotation();

    public void setMoveDirection(int dir)
        myRotation = dir;
You need to declare 'myRotation' (an int) as well of course.
Arrinao Arrinao


Hmm. But I still need to make them move randomly. How can I adjust it so they move random directions and yet keep the same image the whole time?
danpost danpost


You can save the current 'rotation' in an instance field and adjust it randomly in the act. Then, when moving, rotate the actor to the current rotation, move, and return the rotation back to zero, thereby, keeping the original state of the image.
Arrinao Arrinao


Example please? Keep in mind I'm pretty much a "noob" here and am yet quite bad at understanding what you are saying.
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