Hello all,
I would like to make my character show a certain image (call it Random.png for now) when she hits an enemy.
When she doesn't hit an enemy she shows the normal image. How do I implement that
this is what I have:
public class Alice extends Mover { public void act() { checkKeys(); checkCollisionEnemy(); } private void checkKeys() { if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") ) { setImage("AliceLeft.png"); moveLeft(); } if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") ) { setImage("AliceRight.png"); moveRight(); } } public void checkCollisionEnemy() { Actor enemy = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, getImage().getHeight()/2+5, Walker.class); if (enemy != null) getWorld().removeObject(enemy); Actor collided = getOneIntersectingObject(Enemy.class); if (collided !=null && contactTimer ==0) { ((Score)getWorld().getObjects(Score.class).get(0)).add(-1); contactTimer = 100; } } public void runCollisionTimer() { if (contactTimer > 0) contactTimer --; } }